
All Utah Sheriffs Vow to Uphold 2nd Amendment

All 29 Utah Sheriffs have vowed to uphold the 2nd amendment, as well as other Constitutional rights, according to an article in The Epoch Times. A statement from the Utah Sheriff’s Association was signed by every sheriff in the state. Recently Utah became a Constitutional Carry State over and above the objections from anti-gunners. It appears the Sheriffs are in agreement with at least some resistance to the plans of the Democrats.

utah sheriffs

Importantly, the Second Amendment of our divinely inspired Constitution clearly states … ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

We hereby recognize a significant principle underlying the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms is indispensable to the existence of a free people.

As your elected Sheriffs, we individually and collectively pledge to do everything within our power to steadfastly protect the Second Amendment and all other individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution. We understand the destructive influences currently existing in our country will only relent when women and men everywhere genuinely care for each other. We must rely on Providence and care deeply about preserving the Constitution and its freedoms in order to be a strong and prosperous people.

Excerpts from the letter published in The Epoch Times. Read the full letter here

In the world of elected officials, it is unusual that all would sign such a letter. Usually there is at least one holdout. That all signed on to the letter speaks to the atmosphere in the states against what the Biden administration has planned for gun owners.

The ATF plans to change the rules for pistol braces, making them a “short barreled rifle.” Such a designation would cause them to fall under the NFA. AG Merrick Garland is a rabid anti-gunner, as is the nominee for running the ATF, David Chipman. Democrats have introduced numerous anti-gun bills from the demand for federal licenses for gun owners to federal red flag bills. Biden has promised more executive orders to address his desire for “assault weapon bans,” regulations against “ghost guns,” and other infringements on the Constitution.

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The Utah Sheriffs are planning to stand firm against all of that, including attacks on other enumerated rights. It would be good for the state legislature to back them up with a law similar to other states that refuses to allow enforcement of 2nd amendment infringements. Haven’t seen one in Utah yet, but you can bet it’s being discussed. Stay strong, Sheriffs!

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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