ACLU now doing “Resistance Training”
A live-streaming event on Saturday does not bode well for peace or safety in the country any time soon. The ACLU has been conducting “resistance training” to stand against Donald Trump’s policies…including the travel ban, sanctuary cities, etc.
The training via live stream was held in numerous places across the country.
The Cape Cod Times reported,
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The group plans to continue fighting Trump in court on his travel ban affecting six majority-Muslim countries and lead the fight to protect civil, First Amendment, LGBT, and reproductive rights, but they need ordinary citizens to also resist, he said.
Faiz Shakir, the national political director of the ACLU, called on the people to set up meetings with their town’s police departments to talk about their policies regarding the local enforcement of federal immigration laws.Â
One way to fight Trump’s threats against so-called “sanctuary cities” is to make sure local law enforcement are not involved in enforcing federal immigration laws, he said. The ACLU provided a model policy for how state and local police departments should handle immigration laws, and Polloni is planning on reaching out to Falmouth Police Chief Edward Dunne to talk about the issue. Attendees also suggested bringing up the topic at the upcoming “Coffee with a Cop” event.
Other speakers during the training touched on protesters’ rights, what to do if ICE comes to a neighbor’s home, and the importance of contacting federal legislators. Shakir also asked that people write to the ACLU to give them ideas on how to resist Trump’s policies.
They are actively trying to enlist local law enforcement in their resistance. It is hoped that most police agencies won’t play that game. The “don’t enforce the law” request may backfire on them.
They are claiming that people’s rights are being trampled, which has not happened in any way shape or form. About 50 people were at the Falmouth, Massachusetts event, but as far as the rest of the country, it is unclear how many showed up to the indoctrination session.
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
- ACLU: ICE agents enforcing immigration law ‘Trump’s henchmen’
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