A New American Tradition: Disrespect the Fallen

When did we reach the point when the lives of human beings took a back seat to politics, policy, race, religion, and our own opinions? Since NFL players have begun to kneel during our national anthem, I’ve boycotted watching any NFL games. But when our government leaders do the same, who exactly do we boycott?
I reference the Fox News story regarding Democratic Congressman, Ted Lieu, who decided to bang his own drum in, ahem, “Lieu” of honoring the fallen in the Texas church shooting. No, self-important Lieu decided that it was more important to walk out of a moment of silence held for the victims and instead bang away at the NRA on social media.
Can I just be very frank here? People like Mr. Lieu are what is wrong with America. It’s these scummy people who won’t shed a tear because a victim doesn’t share their skin color. It’s those who can’t get over their own biases long enough to mourn because a fellow human being is fallen. They’re the ones we see in the news who would rather disrespect our Constitution than honor it. They kneel before our flag but not in honor. They hate our military. They hack away at our roots and would love to erase our Christian heritage. They abhor everything America stands for—while sitting here absorbing the very freedoms that they rail against. They’re self-centered, self-serving, and I, as their fellow American, am both embarrassed and ashamed of their words and deeds.
Enough with the bias. Enough with your opinions. Enough of the division. Enough, enough, enough! If your elected officials are cut from this same cloth, send them home at the next election!
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Let’s look at some facts here.
If a man or woman dies, they are dead regardless of whether their skin was white or black. They’re just as gone as if they had been Asian or Hispanic. Their life is over regardless of whether they were Christian, Muslim, or Atheist. The simplest of facts is that they are dead and they deserve to be mourned by someone. Anyone.
This is not the time to get wrapped up in politics. We will always disagree about things—including gun control versus personal responsibility. (It’s that diversity thing you like to preach about but hate to practice.) You can go bang your drum and feel all smug and self-important later. You can exercise your free speech and voice your opinion once the smoke clears and the bodies of the fallen have been laid to rest. Right now, Mr. Lieu and those like you, the fact is that fellow Americans have died and they deserve to be mourned by someone. Anyone. Even you.
- Dem. Rep. Ted Lieu disses Texas church victims, walks out of moment of silence
- Vile: Chelsea Handler blames Republicans for Texas church shooting
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