
WACDI.NET, Islamic Fatwa-Driven Site, “Features” WND’s Interview With Adina Kutnicki. What Are They Up To?

Author: Adina Kutnicki

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WHEN delving into the Islamic muck, there are various methods of operation. In so doing, one high-level prerequisite may be the ability to operate undetected and behind the scenes. Invisible. Ghost-like. Resultant, certain well-honed skill sets must become second skin and front and center. Indeed, if unsuccessful, one should expect to get caught in their jihadi crossfire. Obviously, that would not be a good outcome!

ON the other hand, those who are steeped in counter-jihad via investigative journalism, by definition, are out there in the open, even though (most of) one’s sources must remain hidden. As such, it is often a surreal situation, in so far that even some of what you know (atop the “who”) must stay underground, while other information is meant for public consumption. So when explained in this manner, it is easier to understand that this work can be akin to a juggling act and acrobatic in nature. Even so, it is not rocket science. Hardly. Admittedly, it does take a tough exterior to deal with the backlash, some of which sneaks up on you.

BE that as it may, no one within this arena expects this sort of work (most of which ends up online, while some surfaces within the print realm) to be risk-free. Besides, nothing of value is without this or that risk, unless one is satisfied living in a bubble and blind as a bat. Stipulated, the aforementioned risk/benefit ratio applies to those who have reached the age of majority. As to the kiddies, they must be protected at all costs. Whatever it takes.

IN this regard, before we get to the threatening nature of WACDI.NET and what they are (more than likely) up to, let’s hark back to one example (out of numerous) in which Islamists make their “displeasure” known in this direction. 

BACK on May 22, 2014, Joe Newby reported at Examiner.com: “Facebook yanks, restores, anti-Islam page after admins receive death threats.” The  following is an excerpt:

Is Facebook okay with death threats from Islamists? That’s the question administrators of “Islam Exposed” asked earlier this week. After administrators received a number of threatening messages, Facebook pulled the page, citing “harassment,” but restored the page on Tuesday, telling Examiner.com it “was removed in error.”

Administrators were extremely grateful to see the page restored, but questions regarding the threats remained. Would Facebook take action against those issuing the threats? The social media site did not say, but the group did not wait and filed complaints with the FBI.”

A single bullet will strike ur (sic) head one day [admin] from a jihadist. Insha-Allah,” one threat read. Another Facebook user with a Muslim name threatened to cut off administrators’ heads if they continued to post articles in a rant too profane to quote here. Yet another person threatened to blackmail one of the administrators.

“I am giving u (sic) warning,” said another person. “Stop this page.”

According to the group, one administrator received several threatening phone calls, with some including a Muslim prayer in Arabic. He reported it to the police, they said, but nothing was done. Just this week, they added, he received two threatening calls.

Adina Kutnicki, an investigative journalist based in Israel, said she has been harassed on Facebook by an individual she identified as Iranian Mohamed Erdem.

“Back off you satanist scum of the earth! You want war, war with me!” he told Kutnicki on Facebook. The threats she received from Erdem was so alarming, she added, that “heavy duty counter terror contacts decided to ‘check things out.’”

The face of another administrator was photo-shopped into a Nazi uniform and added to a Facebook post intended to incite harassment. Another picture depicted Kutnicki superimposed on a nuclear mushroom cloud with a warning that Israel would be destroyed and wiped off the map…..

CLEAR as a bell.

BACK to WACDI.NET ….the latest “admirers” of this expert’s back-breaking labor. Welcome to the bandwagon!

LO and behold, the aforementioned site is overseen by tafsir’s, a serious fatwa-driven site.

Tafsir (Arabic: تفسير‎, translit. Tafsīr, lit. ‘interpretation’‎) is the Arabic word for exegesis, usually of the Qur’an. An author of tafsir is a mufassir (Arabic: مُفسّر‎‎; plural: مفسّرون). A Quranic tafsir will often explain content and provide places and times, not contained in Quranic verses, as well as give the different views and opinions of scholars on the verse.

MOVING right along to what caught their eye….ire….whatever….

IN the beginning of November 2016, a reporter from WND (World Net Daily) contacted yours truly, regarding the upcoming trial against Dutch politician Geert Wilders, all for daring to “criticize” Islam and its danger(s) to the west. Imagine that. In any case, he wanted some comments and insights.

AS always, when answering interview questions, a direct and honest response is given, PC sensibilities be damned. Besides, since when is free speech no longer free?

BUT, apparently, the tafsirs at WACDI.net weren’t all too thrilled with said truth-telling. Understood. 

IN this regard, instead of “merely” linking the interview to their fatwa-driven site, they decided to lead into the interview with guess who, even though it wasn’t until midway through the interview that the aforementioned comments and insights were given! You got that?

WND.comExperts: Criticism of Islam may be banned in US WND.comAdina Kutnicki, an Israel-based intelligence analyst and author of “Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad,” noted that particular Lynch speech was given at a conference sponsored by the Muslim Advocates, a Muslim Brotherhood front group.and more »

THE following is the beginning of the interview at WND:

Dutch politician Geert Wilders has spent years speaking out against the threat Islam poses to his country, and now he finds himself in legal trouble for it.

The controversial lawmaker went on trial this week on charges of “inciting discrimination and hatred of Moroccans,” according to the Guardian.

The charges stem from a March 2014 rally in which Wilders asked a room full of supporters if they wanted “more or fewer Moroccans” in the country. When the audience chanted, “Fewer, fewer!” Wilders responded, “Well, we’ll arrange that, then.”

This led the Dutch government to prosecute Wilders for “offending members of a group based on their race, and hate speech and discrimination,” according to the New York Times.

The paper added Wilders could face up to two years in prison if convicted, although other offenders in similar cases are usually fined or slapped with community service.

Don’t think for a moment something like this couldn’t happen to an American politician, says American Freedom Defense Initiative president Pamela Geller – especially if Hillary Clinton becomes our next president.

“While she was secretary of State, the U.S. voted for U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, which calls for criminalization of ‘incitement to religious hatred,’ a subjective category that allows for the criminalization of any dissenting voice,” Geller told WND.

Philip Haney, a retired Customs and Border Protection officer and author of “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad,” agreed an American politician could be prosecuted for “hate speech” if UN HRC Resolution 16/18 and the related “Istanbul Process” are more fully enforced in the U.S. He said there will inevitably come a point when Americans have to decide whether they will honor their Constitution or international laws against criticizing Muslims.

“Is the First Amendment going to stay inviolable, or are we going to submit to the authority of a macro global-level organization like the U.N., and submit our freedom of speech to the resolutions like U.N. 16/18?” Haney asked.

However, it is not just international law that is forming a protective bubble around Muslims. In 2013, Judicial Watch reported on a meeting in Tennessee in which Bill Killian, the region’s top federal prosecutor, was scheduled to tell the community that people who post inflammatory documents aimed at Muslims on social media are guilty of violating federal civil rights laws.

In December 2015, the day after two radical Muslims went on a killing spree in San Bernardino, Attorney General Loretta Lynch promised a Muslim advocacy and lobbying group she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

During a time of increased Islamic terror attacks in America and around the world, Lynch said her biggest concern was the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric” in America.

Adina Kutnicki, an Israel-based intelligence analyst and author of Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad,” …….

MESSAGE received….the singling out….you don’t have to hit this author over the head!

MIND you, it is hardly as if this Brotherhood Mafia expert is the sole preoccupation of Islam’s jihadis. To be sure, how many are still unaware (unless living in dreamland) of all the death threats directed at Pamela Geller, a well-known counter-jihadist? For that matter, what about those aimed at Islamic specialist and counter-jihadist, Robert Spencer, vowing that he will meet a violent and befitting Islamic end?  

BUT never mind. Just as they watch us, we keep our eyes on them. Enough said.

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