
The Clock that Created a Firestorm (Video)

clockcircuitboardsIrving, Texas – Fourteen year old Ahmed Mohamed brought a homemade clock to MacArthur High School on Monday and ended up in handcuffs.

The liberals and CAIR have had a field day with this situation, using it as a rallying point for possible action against the school and the police for “religious discrimination.”

The clock that created a firestorm

According to news sources, Ahmed brought the clock to school to show his engineering teacher, after his father encouraged him to show off his technology abilities.

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“I wanted to start clean with the teacher by showing him my inventions and stuff.” Ahmed Mohamed

But when the clock beeped in his book bag during English Class, and he took it to show the teacher, she confiscated the digital clock and he went back to class. That is until 6th period, when the principal and police showed up and escorted him out in handcuffs.

They took him to police headquarters facility and questioned him about what looked like a bomb, perhaps a “hoax bomb.” Then he was taken to a juvenile detention facility where he was fingerprinted, and released to his parents.

“I really don’t think it’s fair because I brought something to school that wasn’t a threat to anyone. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just showed my teachers something and I end up being arrested later that day.”

Invited to the White House

Social media erupted at this story, with pictures of people holding clocks and saying that the whole thing was motivated by “islamophobia.” Even the President got involved and invited Ahmed to the White House in a Tweet (see below). Google and Facebook have “rolled out the red carpet” for Ahmed as well. Police have stated there will be no charges against Ahmed.

“The follow-up investigation revealed the device apparently was a homemade experiment, and there’s no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm.” Police Chief Larry Boyd

The family is enjoying a trending twitter handle @IStandWithAhmed that has gone viral. But there are some deeper issues here than just teachers being mean, or cops being “racist.”

Screenshot 2015-09-16 13.12.44
Ahmed Mohamed- screenshot from Dallas Morning News










Let’s think about what the school did, not from the bleeding heart angle, but from common sense (I know- that’s dead in America). The school err’d on the side of caution. This is what that “clock” looked like on the inside of a small box that resembled a little suitcase:

 clock that created a firestorm

Anyone with even half a brain would look at that and call it a possible bomb – not a “clock.” It would not have mattered whether the person who made it was Muslim or green martian -it still looks like it could have been a bomb. Would any of you be happy if the school took no action and ignored it if something then happened?

Listen with Common Sense

Let’s go back and really HEAR the words used by people involved. Ahmed said he wanted to “start clean” with his engineering instructor – what does “start clean” mean, exactly?

And that his father “encouraged him” to share his technology interests – on the Monday after the anniversary of 9-11. Ahmed said he “threw it together in 20 minutes” before he went to bed on Sunday night.


The box was what Ahmed described as something that you can pick up at Target for $10 bucks or so. And he mentioned in the video below that he put it in the box deliberately so that it “wouldn’t look suspicious” by using a simple cable to shut it. Now…think about that, if he knew it would look “suspicious” why did he bring it to school? His father perhaps? Playing the “victim” card? If so, it worked magnificently.


One police officer allegedly said “That’s who I thought it was,” when media says he had never met Ahmed. Is that the product of prejudice or knowledge of something of which we are unaware? Or was it liberal media bias?

Encouraging gifted children

Absolutely we all should encourage gifted children in the pursuit of their inventions and scientific knowledge. Brilliant minds are important to the future of America. But if we are to encourage them, we must teach them with wisdom. This young man is probably a very talented boy- but encouraging him to bring a little box full of wires and gizmos to school just after 9-11 was not a smart move.

Here is the Dallas Morning News interview with Ahmed:

This original story is posted at Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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