
Sweden Training Immigrant Killing Machines for “Inclusiveness”?

Is Sweden Training Immigrant Killing Machines in the name of  “Inclusiveness?”

In an effort to assimilate the Muslim immigrants in Sweden, they have begun special programs to teach them martial arts and shooting. And they’re doing it for free. Students from all over the world are participating – Africa, South America, Syria, Afghanistan…

Such training is a great idea for Swedish youth who grew up in the country and have Swedish values. But is it a great idea for people whose values are so vastly different?

Learning to shoot

Speisa reported that immigrant youths are loving the rifle training provided by the Swedish government. And some of the participants are Muslim girls who have the permission of their fathers.  They are enjoying themselves immensely.

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“It began on a small scale in the fall. But now the interest has exploded. Now more than 50 immigrant youths shoot at the firing range at the biathlon course in SollefteÃ¥, according to the Swedish newspaper Allehanda…

– Already at the initial meeting in March, more than 50 young people from all over the world came – Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, South America. And it has persisted. They are interested and very talented, and some who come from war-torn areas have never been a problem.

All the young people go to the individual program in upper secondary school, focusing on learning the language.”

sweden training
A young immigrant woman learns to shoot- photo via Speisa

So let’s ask, why has interest ‘exploded?’ These youth who have “never been a problem” – will they fall on the side of their new benefactors or will this become a quagmire in years to come. The Swedish people have chosen the kind of training that these youth might receive in their homelands – the difference is just the instructors. Is it wise and will it come back to bite them?

Or will it bring the youths closer to their new homeland?

Martial Arts

In a separate article, Speisa reported that the training for martial arts is free to new arrivals.

“Karlstad Karate Club has got several new members – in the form of newly arrived Muslim asylum seekers, who may have traumatic experiences in the baggage, and psychological issues, and with karate skills turned into regular unvetted killing machines.

Since Christmas, a large number of newly arrived asylum seekers have been training karate with the club, according to Värmland Folkblad.

– There is a potential for 50-60 new members, says club president, Lennart Larsson.”

Training for a different time, and a different group of youths

If this were the late 60’s or early 70’s, this program would be awesome. Integration, assimilation, would not be an issue. Many karate clubs and other martial arts training centers are set up in big cities to help troubled youth. It usually works great.

But in the current climate of ‘jihad’ is it wise to do this? No. These youth may be “unaccompanied immigrant children,” but they have not been properly vetted. They come from areas that have entirely different values than Sweden. Some of them may have some serious emotional baggage that has not been dealt with- and cannot easily be handled by Swedes based on their cultural background.

The Swedish group “Together Association” leads the charge for this kind of assimilation. But is it a good plan or a bad one? We’ll see in the years to come which one.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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