
“The People vs Muhammad” Is The Nail In Islam’s Coffin, Spread It Wide & Far! (VIDEOS)

THERE are none so deaf as those that will not hear. Concomitantly, there are none so blind as those who will not see. And this wise proverb is as true today as it was centuries ago. Indubitably, even more so.

None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see. - Matthew Henry


IN this regard, as is said, timing is everything. It is more than timely, and hardly incidental, that this investigative journalist’s upcoming book, “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” is due for release within a few weeks’ time. So much so because an underlying theme, its subtext, if you will, throughout deals with the so-called “prophet”, Muhammad, and his inextricable relationship with militant Islamic jihad. Intrinsically, without understanding said basis one is operating akin to a deaf-mute and a blinded bat. Clearly, not a healthy position to be in.

AND it is for this reason that little is more important to western civilization than to unveil (thus, attack) said verily truths, as discomfiting, disquieting, not to mention dangerous, as they are.

DUE to the above – and so much more – the west owes a profound debt to J. K Sheindlin, the author of THE PEOPLE VS MUHAMMAD. In a nutshell, its pages are rife with all the requisite evidence – and then some – to prove that Islam isn’t a “religion of peace”, rather, a call to war against ALL non-Muslims, kaffirs. Inestimably, its basis was conceived by a clinical psychopath. His “teachings”, well, little more than rantings of a certifiable madman!  

Is Islam a “religion of peace”? Was Muhammad the true and final prophet of God? Is the Quran the fulfilment of the Bible, and legitimately continuing the traditions of the Judeo-Christian scriptures? Perhaps one of the most audacious, shocking, unthinkable and highly controversial ideas to ever be conceived, The People vs Muhammad places the founding father of Islam on trial for crimes against humanity, and to challenge his self-proclaimed authority. With the growing threat of home-grown Muslim jihadist terrorist attacks and the ominous cataclysm of a global holy war, there’s no doubt Islam has become a burdensome issue which has our own western governments perplexed. This book series intends to investigate the true ideology of Islam, to ascertain with reason and logic the legitimacy of Muhammad’s claim and core teachings of his cult.

Throughout this series, author J.K Sheindlin carefully analyses the Quran and the Islamic texts legalistically to expose the shocking truth pertaining to Muhammad’s advocation for: Pedophilia, honor killings, sex slavery, prostitution, racism, extortion, murder, psychological indoctrination, intellectual terrorism, censorship, grand larceny, racketeering, domestic violence, gender inequality, and much more! In this powerful series, the first installment Psychological analysis delves deep into Muhammad’s past and uncovers disturbing facts which undoubtedly prove to be the origins of his multiple psychopathological disorders. Using entirely the Islamic sources in reference to contemporary psychiatric-medical archives, J.K Sheindlin details Muhammad’s extensive catalogue of mental illnesses which include: Psychopathy, Gynophobia, Napoleon Complex, Schizophrenia, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Messiah-God Complex, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Athazagorophobia, Oedipus Complex, Sex-addiction, Pedophilia, and Necrophilia. Furthermore, the author also hypothesizes a convincing argument based on medical science, which debunks Muhammad’s first revelation. These external factors being: Volcanic gas inhalation, sensory deprivation, starvation, dehydration, brain damage and Syphilis. Written to provoke a rational response from both Muslim and western readers, the verdict is ultimately decided by the public to determine if Muhammad’s claim to prophethood is legitimate.

SANS a scintilla of a doubt, upon considering all the evidence, a rational person – whether Muslim or not – can only arrive at the very same inescapable conclusion. Yes, the jury is hardly out on this case. Therefore, the verdict against Muhammad is closed. Sealed.

TO wit, the inescapable truth is: Islam, on its face, is a nihilistic “religion” (having become a political structure world over), one which has been sowing death and destruction since its inception. Nevertheless, the most urgent question still remains: how many western leaders (political and civil society alike) will stand tall and tell the truth, thereby, evincing the statesmanship required to save western civilization??

TRAGICALLY, on this critical question, the jury is still out!



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