
Illegal Aliens Make Up 3.5% of Population But 36.7% of All Federal Convictions

today14Evidence keeps pouring in that Donald Trump was right when he said we are getting the criminals their home countries want to get rid of.  The latest bit of evidence is a real shocker.  According to the US Sentencing Commission data, illegal immigrants who make up just 3.5% of the US population was convicted of 36.7% of all crimes in the US in 2014.  That’s slightly over ten times their percentage of the population.

There were 74,911 convictions in 2014 of which citizens were convicted of  43,479 crimes or 58% of all convictions.  Illegal aliens were convicted of 27,505 or 36.7%.  Legal immigrants were convicted of 3,017 or 4%.  Extradited criminals and others whose home country is undetermined make up the balance.

Breitbart News provides a breakdown of various crimes and the percentage committed by illegals:

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