Fighting Jihadi Fire With Fire, Greek Style: Responding To The Invasion Of Mohammedans, Leftist Revolutionaries Alike

Author: Adina Kutnicki
IN Sun Tzu’s epoch masterpiece, The Art of War, there are many timeless gems. But those of us who studied his writings, more than likely, would agree that the following sums up his most acute underlying operational military analysis:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
IT is as simple as that.
THEREFORE, it is not for nothing that this Brotherhood Mafia expert concentrates on various ways and means to confront the twin spears, the revolutionary left and its jihadi counterpart, aimed at America’s and Israel’s hearts in particular, as well as at the west in general.
SO back in July 2015, the following intro – to the very same mortal danger – was noted at Joe For America:
Ad infinitum, readers have been warned about the symbiotic dangers from the (seemingly) inexplicable nexus between the reds and greens, aka leftists and Islamists. And while this pairing appears to be an “odd couple”, little can be more wrong. Deadly.
In fact, this coupling is an obvious “marriage”, at least for those bent on destroying America, Israel and the west at large. Consider: where else could one find two totalitarian ideologies, both of whose missions are burying the west?…..continue reading….
THAT being established – even though certain patriotic arenas in America are more capable than others – when it comes to “taking care of business”, it doesn’t mean that other venues and tactics shouldn’t be considered. Hmm….this is where “Greek-style” comes into play.
The illegal alien Muslim invaders initiated the conflict by stealing fireworks from a local store and firing them into the Greek residential area the previous evening. The Greek attack was launched from the battlements of the Castle of Chios, a Byzantine-era fortress located right next to the invader center.
The Souda Muslim invader camp prior to the counter attack. It was from here that the invaders launched fireworks into the surrounding Greek residential neighborhood.
According to media reports, a large group of Greek patriots—sick at the continuing destruction of their country by the never-ending Muslim invasion—struck on Thursday night this past week with Molotov cocktails and massive stones “bigger than the size of a football.”
Most of the tents housing the Muslim invaders—provided by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR)—were burned during the attack. Those tents not destroyed by fire were subjected to a rain of rocks which punched large holes through the canvas, making the tents uninhabitable.
The Muslims allegedly were “so scared that they prefer not to return to the camp, although they don’t have any other accommodation,” UNCHR spokesman Roland Schoenbauer told media.
The attack followed another violent incident the previous night, according to police. That clash started after invaders from the camp broke into a nearby store and stole hundreds of euros worth of fireworks.
These fireworks were then fired at Greek locals from inside the camp, provoking the locals to retaliate. Riot police were called out and 37 invaders were arrested, including three Algerians and a 40-year-old claiming to be an Iraqi.
It was this attack which was the last straw for the Greek locals, who then launched the sustained attack on Thursday evening in retaliation for months of attacks and criminal activity carried out by the invaders.
According to official estimates, there are at least 4,000 Muslim illegals on Chios. About 60 percent of them claim to be Syrians, 20 percent claim to be Iraqis, 10 percent are North Africans, and the remaining 10 percent “other nationalities.”
The actual number of “Syrians” and “Iraqis” present is of course open to question, given the large number of fake identification documents in circulation among the invaders. Chios has been one of the major landing posts for the Muslim invasion of Europe.
The flow of Muslim freeloaders from Turkey has not stopped, even though the “Balkans route” into Europe has been closed down. As a result, tens of thousands of economic migrants pretending to be refugees are now holed up all over Greece in camps like the one at Chios.
Earlier this week, a parliamentary delegation from Greece’s Golden Dawn party organized mass demonstrations against the invaders on Chios, and distributed flyers demanding their deportation.
Pay no attention to this video report from the left wing media. They don’t give you the reasons why the camp was attacked by locals.
BTW, a thumbs up…high-fives….and all that and more….for scaring the “refugees” witless! As always, by tarring those who strike back against Islamic barbarians as “right-wing extremists”, well, it smacks of a more than desperate attempt to blame the victims. Indeed, said tactic is always the fall-back position of leftist fascists. In other words, instead of dealing with the cancerous Islamic invasion, officialdom and their media mouthpieces flip reality upside its head. Tainted.
EVEN more so, and aside from all the known dangers from Mohammedans and their radical left counterparts, the dangers keep amassing. Instead of tamping down the raging riots spreading across America, leftist Demsters fuel the fires!Well, they too are gonna get burnt, if they do not stop their incitement to mayhem and murder! They will have no one to blame but themselves. Boo hoo.
COUPLED with the wildfires cited above, electors are being threatened with death, if they dare to cast their votes for Trump. Imagine that.
A member of the electoral commission in Texas says his colleagues are getting death threats as angry Hillary supporters ramp up the pressure before electors cast their vote on December 19th.
Hillary voters around the country are bombarding electors with emails, some of them threatening, in an effort to force them to vote against the outcome of the presidential election.
“At first everyone was kinda enchanted by it. Now all the electors are starting to get beaten down. There are some electors who have been threatened with harm or with death,” Texas elector Alex Kim told NBC 5.
“When people ask me to vote for Hillary Clinton, there’s no way,” he said. “I reject the Democratic Party principles and I reject Hillary Clinton.”
Kim said he had a message for all the people who are trying to pressure him into changing his vote; “Go to hell”.
As we previously reported, another elector in Michigan said he has also received a number of death threats, including a promise that he would be shot in the head if he voted for Trump.
“I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive,” Michael Banerian told the Detroit News, adding that he has been labeled a “hateful bigot” by the same people who are violently threatening him.
A petition to demand electors change their vote to Clinton has also surpassed 4.5 million signatures.
Meanwhile on Twitter, Hillary supporters are organizing on how to pressure electors under the hashtag #HamiltonElectors, a reference to Mike Pence being lectured by a cast member of the musical show.
Unfortunately for them, conservatives found the hashtag and have now largely taken it over to decry leftists attempting to overturn the results of a democratic election.
SO no matter how many times it takes to warn patriots re what must be done – despite the euphoria from Trump’s triumphant victory – it can’t be too many. But if one alert from these pages should be considered as an exemplar, look no further than to a commentary from Feb. 2016: “Saving America: Emergency Action Plans To Beat Back Islamic Invaders.”
PATRIOTS, go from strength to strength….as is said in Hebrew…. יִישַׁר כֹּחֲךָ …. Kadima…. קדימה….