
FBI warns of anarchist plot to assassinate police officers on Halloween

Officer_Thomas_Choi_Funeral_Processio_(16213518866)With All Hallows’ Eve just around the corner, parents and police everywhere will be keeping an extra sharp eye out for the safety and protection of the wee ones.

And while both the parents and the cops understand that the well-being of the costumed kiddies is the top priority, law enforcement now has an additional concern that pertains to them and them alone: Assassination.

As reported by the staff of CBS News on Oct. 27, 2015, and also by reporter Melkorka Licea of the New York Post on Oct. 26, 2015, the FBI has issued a warning to police nationwide of a relatively obscure anarchist group threatening to assassinate cops specifically on Halloween night. Going by the nom de terreur of the National Liberation Militia, the group is calling for what the FBI has tagged a “Halloween Revolt”.

The terrorist group reportedly plans on donning standard Halloween garb, raising enough of a ruckus to warrant someone calling 911, then when the police arrive, attack them with everything from from bricks to bottles to firearms. The New York Police Department has officially stated that while there is no specific targeting in the Big Apple, they continue to monitor the situation.

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