Bosnian Muslims force Christian prisoner to ‘kiss severed head’

Despite the national security nor the vital national interests of the United States ever being threatened, in 1994 former president Bill Clinton effectually took it upon himself to declare war on the Republic of Yugoslavia. It may have taken over two decades, but the West is finally being informed of the Bosnian Muslim atrocities perpetrated against Balkan Christians, specifically, members of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
As reported by the European Union-supported news portal on June 9, 2016, former Bosnian Army Third Corps commander General Sakib Mahmuljin is facing trial at Sarajevo’s war crimes tribunal. Charges against the ex-commander include failing to stop the volunteer fighters from the Islamic jihadist El Mujahideen unit committing atrocities against Serbian civilians and also Serbian POWs (Prisoners Of War) in the Bosnian village of Vozuca in 1995, nor did General Mahmuljin punish them for barbarous acts his fellow Muslims committed.
As reported, while testimony was being given on the war crimes committed at Vozuca, Bosnian Serb ex-soldier Miodrag Samac informed the court under oath that while he was held captive by the Muslim El Mujahedeen, he was “assaulted and forced to kiss the severed head of a murdered fellow prisoner.” Ostensibly understood he’s a member of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Samac more specifically stated, “We thought they were members of the Bosnian army. However, they looked nothing like people from here. Some had big beards and did not speak the language.”
Furthermore, the witness also testified, “They hit us while we were tied up. They gave us electric shocks, and while they beat us, they filmed it with a camera. I fell unconscious with a wire around my neck and my hands and legs tied. There they took us to the playing field, between white tents, and spat on us, beat us. One night they told us to lie on our stomachs and blindfolded our eyes.”
It was then that Samac related how a fellow prisoner, Gojko Vujicic, in a final act of defiance shouted aloud to his captors that “he would kill them all.” Samac also said, “We heard a shot, someone saying ‘Allah Akbar’, and a thud.”
After the blindfolds were removed from the prisoners, Samac told how he was forced by his Muslim captors to kiss Vujicic’s severed head. “The head was mounted in the room we were staying in,” he stated.
Popularly known as The Kosovo War, the Western press was largely condemned by those against American intervention as being overtly pro-Bosnian Muslim, and staunchly anti-Serbian Christian. As noted by contributor Stella L. Jatras of in 2001, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Washington Times are just a small example of the overwhelmingly anti-Serb coverage at the time.
In an especially barbed example of rhetoric, Jatras penned, “Virtually nothing is being reported today of the barbarity being committed against the Serbs, Romanies and non-Albanians by the former Kosovo Liberation Army, who are engaged in sex slavery (Albanian Daily News, October 5, 2000), prostitution, kidnaping, murder, and rape, “Kosovo Rebels Raped Serb Nun, Say French Officials,” New York Post, 19 June 1999. “When they saw us they stopped a while, shouted ‘NATO, NATO,’ and then beat a hasty retreat, the officer said.” Over 40% of heroin going into Europe comes from Kosovo (the Guardian [UK]). Over one-hundred Serbian Orthodox Churches were destroyed during the first two months after KFOR entered Kosovo, more than under 500 years of Ottoman rule.”
Also documented by Ryan C. Hendrickson in his book The Clinton Wars: The Constitution, Congress, and War Powers, the author cites that Bill Clinton chose to ignore American law (the War Powers Act), and instead Clinton chose to cite the United Nations Charter (Chapter 7) as his authority to order American military personnel into combat. Furthermore, Hendrickson also notes that with few exceptions, the US Congress did precious little to rein in Clinton’s military adventurism outside of the rule of law.
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