
Woke Liberal Mall Santa Makes Little Boy Cry Over Nerf Gun (Video)

Whoever is hiring these mall Santas needs to add as a job requirement ‘not a self-important d-bag’ with a social agenda. In a year that has already sucked so badly for so many, the wokescolds have gone and ruined Christmas for a little boy, too.

Park your ego at the door there, bigshot. You’re a fricken’ MALL SANTA, not running for leadership of the Democrats.

You have one job. Ask the kid what he or she wants for Christmas, and make the kid feel heard.

Someone who would probably be first in line telling the world that Harry Styles sporting a dress is forward-thinking and awesome, and that gender preferences in toys are a social construct has no business telling a kid his gift choice is NOT acceptable.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Giving your political opinion is not in the job description, genius.

But because these jackwagons have to go and ruin everything… we have situations like this:


Fortunately, that’s not the end of the story.

Here was a much more Santa-y response.

(And you will note that the jackass has got himself fired. Good, he won’t be making any more stranger’s kids cry this year. Or at least, they won’t have to stand in line for the privilege.)


But wait, there’s more!

Somebody should put this in fired fake Santa’s stocking. He needs it.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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