
Why The FBI (And The Pope!) Fear Traditional Catholics

After a state-enforced shutdown of nearly two months in spring 2020, the traditional Latin Mass Catholic Church I attend in suburban Kansas City announced its reopening.

In that the announcement contained not a word about face masks or distancing or any other COVID-related precaution. I was not sure what to expect when I showed up for Mass.

What I found did not really surprise me: a packed church, parishioners sitting shoulder to shoulder, Communion, as always, on the tongue, and only one family in face masks.

Within a month, we were back, in defiance of gubernatorial diktats, to coffee and donuts. There were no mass outbreaks and no COVID deaths as far as I know. Faith had triumphed over hysteria.

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This was not the case in other churches, Catholic or otherwise. For the next year or even longer, churches were roping off every other pew, mandating masks, requiring reservations and even taking the temperature of would-be churchgoers.

Orwell understood the phenomenon, “They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality,” he writes of the Oceanians, “because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening.”

The conforming churches were also hemorrhaging parishioners. In our area, many of the disaffected found their way to our church. How many of the newcomers are FBI agents or “confidential human sources,” I cannot say, but I would not be shocked if there were a few among them.

As was revealed this week by the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, the Richmond FBI office used at least one undercover agent to infiltrate a traditional Catholic Church.

In January of this year, a bizarrely hateful memo was issued by that same office warning of “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists in radical-traditionalist Catholic [communities].”

The memo, right out of the Mao playbook, also called for reaching out to diocesan leadership “to sensitize these congregations to the warning signs of radicalization and to enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.”

Although the Chinese surveillance state has gone high tech, the Chinese people have long been required to keep a watchful eye on their neighbors and to report behaviors that challenged the orthodoxy du jour. Of course, too, the Chinese differ from other totalitarians only in their ambition.

From the Roman era onward, authorities have been particularly suspicious of orthodox Christians whatever their stripe. Their faith makes them less fearful of death and more resistant to fiats – like those that mushroomed during the “COVID emergency” – that flouted natural law,

Although not Catholic himself, J. Edgar Hoover recruited Catholics because in the not so distant past their values aligned with the FBI’s. (For a balanced look at Hoover, I recommend “G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century” by Beverly Gage.)

Today, FBI honchos have no real values and are suspicious of those who do. Looking at the world through a rainbow prism, FBI leaders, like most of the permanent D.C. bureaucracy, see “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists” wherever traditional values are honored.

Unfortunately for traditional Catholics, Pope Francis looks at the world through a comparable prism. Despite the fact that traditional movements worldwide have been flourishing – or perhaps because of it – Francis has been cracking down on traditionalists.

“Pope Francis declares war on Latin Masses: from now on only if authorized by the Vatican,” reports the Roman newspaper Il Messaggero, “The feared crackdown on Latin Masses, already abundantly reduced, controlled and subjected to the evaluations of individual bishops, has arrived.”

Instead of protecting Christian values from the world, the pope has largely chosen to protect the world from Christian values. In this regard, he is only a half step behind other secular leaders, including those at the FBI.

On the plus side, the contemporary mania they all embrace – from climate alarmism to sexual adventurism – will die just as they will. Traditional Catholicism, however, will endure. In our church, the average family has about half a dozen children, often more.

These children, almost all of whom are educated in something other than government schools, will have many children as well. The values they embrace have served us all well for the last 2,000 years and, God willing, will serve us well for the next 2,000.

And there is nothing of consequence the FBI or Pope Francis can do about it.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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