Joe Biden reminds me of a dunking-booth clown.
I remember throwing tennis balls with my first border collie. Each night he and I would go into the backyard, where I would throw a tennis ball with him toward the barn. We would do this 10 times. The dog learned that we would quit after 10 times, so after the 10th throw, he would stop and carry his ball to the back gate. He was really smart, making it great fun. I became very proficient at placing that tennis ball where I wanted it.
After several years of this, my family and I were at the fall fair in a particular city. I was pushing one daughter in a large stroller with my other two children in tow, and my wife. We walked by a dunking booth, and the clown perched above the water began to heckle my family. He was neither nice nor funny, for no reason.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
This kind of reminds me of Joe Biden and his comments concerning Donald Trump and Americans who want to make America a great country. Joey says that Americans with this belief are a threat “to the very foundation of our republic,” according to ABC News.
Well, as the clown heckled my family, I paid my money and obtained three baseballs. I sighted in the clown’s target with my eyes. Then “boom, kersplash” – I dropped that clown on the first throw. The clown started climbing back up to his seat, still heckling and saying garbage to my family.
This kind of reminds me of the divisiveness Joe Biden continually spews, trying to keep people mad at each other. He talks about lynchings, as if they are the main threat in America. Maybe this might have been true among Joe’s Democrat friends, as reported in the Washington Examiner, and the Democratic Party, since it started the KKK in opposition to the Republican Party. The only recent lynching I know of is when the perverted liberals apparently had Jeffrey Epstein strangled and then lynched in his jail cell, according to autopsy reports, so he could not go to trial and expose all their perversities. Isn’t that right, Bill?
As the clown at the fair retook his seat, he kept up his trash talking. I threw my second baseball. Again, “boom, kersplash” – down he went. This time the clown was not running his mouth quite so much. He climbed up out of the water and took his seat, trying to start his mouth-mess again, obviously not thinking right.
This kind of reminds me of Biden not thinking right with all of the evil he has continued to do to make America perverse. Grouping all the LGBTQI and others non-heterosexuals in America together, they only make up 7% of the populace, according to a 2022 report of a Gallup poll. While this is true, it appears the Biden administration is mostly made up of people from this 7%. How does that really reflect the American people, their views and their ideals for family, children and society?
“Boom, kersplash!” I dropped that clown for the third time on the third throw. You, know, he didn’t have anything else left to say. My family and I walked on.
This is how we conservatives need to think about these upcoming elections. We need to knock these radical communist liberals out of the race in the voting booth. I am not just speaking to Republicans, but also to Democrats who see the error of the insanity that is happening in our country. Democrats are not the enemies of Republicans. Leftist communist radicals are the enemy of our nation, whether they call themselves Republicans or Democratic. That is why the primary elections are so important. Unfortunately, most voters sleep through them and fail to vote, with typically about 30-40% of the populace voting in the primaries. If you don’t like a candidate, or think it is time for someone new in the government, then “boom, kerspash” – knock those radical liberals, who do not represent you, out of the race in the primary. Let’s get some people in the general election who have a positive vision for America. A bulk of the people in office right now hate America, like Reps. AOC, N.Y., Adam Schiff, Calif., and Sen. Upchuck Schumer of New York.
Then there are the RINOS like Mitch McConnell, Ky., Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, Dan Sullivan, Alaska, Todd C. Young, Ind., Joni Ernst, Iowa, Susan Collins, Maine, Roy Blunt, Mo., Thom Tillis, N.C., Rob Portman, Ohio, Mitt Romney, Utah, Shelley Moore Capito, W.Va., and Cynthina M. Lummis, Wyo. Let’s not forget that this bunch of RINOs is the reason the “Respect for Marriage Act” was passed, which protects the union of same-sex couples under the name “marriage,” a word that for more than 700 years described the union of a man and a woman. Actually, marriage, as being between a biological male and a biological female, was how God established things since creation. In fact, there is no male and no female except biological males and biological females.
Biden gave a lifetime appointment to a female Supreme Court justice who cannot define the word “woman.” The people we allow in office make a big difference for the country’s future.
Some good news in all of this is that at least Romney is not running for reelection, so maybe conservatives in Utah can find a real Republican instead of a RINO to replace him.
So, it is time for “boom, kersplash” in the primary election, and then “boom, kersplash” in the general. Let’s put some people in office who desire American greatness and have a positive view of the future of our country, instead of the perverted radical view like the administration currently in office.
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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.
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