
When You Brawl Upon a Star… Trump Star and Leftist Hate

This last week, the Trump Star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame was taken out with a pick-axe by a liberal loonbird named Austin Clay, 24. He was arrested for felony vandalism after turning himself in. You know, for the publicity so the left could champion him as a pillar of morality, friend of Hollywood Celebs who hate Trump. It wasn’t the first time the star was vandalized, and one of the previous perps put up the bail money for Clay to get out of jail ($20,000). On July 27, as Trump supporters rallied around his new star, a brawl broke out between Trump supporters and the leftists.

screenshot via Variety.com

The vandalism:

The new Trump star went up on Thursday. At around 11:25 p.m. Trump supporters gathered around it to honor the President and even sing the National Anthem.

Moments before the brawl:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Then…the Brawl:

A leftist got in the face of a Trump supporter (always a bad idea). Then the fists started flying and numerous people jumped into the fray. Police were eventually able to clear the scene, and made no arrests.

Ths issue here is the left’s obsession with anything and everything about Trump. They trash Melania on a regular basis. The other day the New York Times wrote a story about her having a conflict with Donald over the television remote on Air Force One. She called them out as fake news…again. She’s been b****d out over her foot wear, her beautiful clothing, her White House decorations, her accent, her son Barron, everything you can think of all because she’s married to Donald Trump. He’s been attacked over ice cream, Diet Coke, tweets, breathing, and living on the earth. He’s been called a Nazi, Hitler, racist, etc..  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

His star on the Walk of Fame has been vandalized numerous times. In 2016, a homeless woman risked her life and limb to defend the Trump star from people trying to destroy it and attacking her in the process. A man named James Otis previously used a pick axe to destroy the star. It was spray painted with a swastika. George Lopez pretended to pee on it earlier in July by placing a water bottle at his side. And the list goes on.  TMZ even reported that tiny pieces of his destroyed star were going for $500 on E-bay.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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