
What’s The Holdup on the Stimulus Package? Democrats.

What is the holdup on the last stimulus package? Democrats. Plain and simple, the Democrats believe that any passage of a stimulus package now would benefit Trump in the election.  Hence, they’re just flat not going to let it go through without their pet projects, many of which have nothing whatsoever to do with a stimulus package. They will pass a $2.2 Trillion package that the Senate feels is over-the-top.

stimulus package

The President is in favor of a slightly higher bill than the original Republican one, but not the biggest one proposed by Democrats. Mnuchin and Pelosi have been meeting, but have yet to make a deal. And that is by Democrat design. But they are just pawns in the leftist game and apparently are oblivious to the real consequences of their stonewalling.

This is the bottom line, as reported by Breitbart:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“Democrats have resisted reaching a deal with Republicans, with some Democratic politicians and strategists worried that any deal to boost the economy might help Trump’s re-election efforts. Some liberal activists oppose any deals with the Trump administration under any circumstances.”

How’s that for caring about Americans over politics?

The stimulus for airlines has run out as of today, October 1. The individual stimulus ran up against life in general. Airlines have still lost 70% of their business even after starting up again. Restarting the economy has made stronger gains that anyone thought possible, but Democrats are working hard to block any further ones.

According to reports, American Airlines and United Airlines stand to furlough thousands of workers without additional assistance: American airlines- 19,000 workers, United 13,000 workers. For those families, it’s a huge hit. Will the Airline Industry survive it?

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany stated on October 1, that the White House would be happy to work on a stand alone package just for the Airline industry if the Democrats would come to the negotiating table. They do not appear to be interested in doing that.

Everything is now political – from the stimulus package to professional sports  teams that are now riddled with politics instead of sportsmanship. Where does it end? It won’t end with the election, because the leftist groups are purposed to tear down America regardless of who wins next month.  Democrats are on a mission and that mission is to hold power and never give it up. They simply do not care about anything or anyone except themselves.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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