What Marxist Democrats Are Hiding From Us About the Second Amendment
The Second Amendment is the final wall and shield we have against the Democrat genocide which targets us.

I will repeat that: The Second Amendment is the final wall and shield we have against the Democrat genocide which targets us.
Yes, genocide. The Democrat Party is the party of genocide. No different from the Nazi Party of Germany or the Soviet Party of Stalin.
Just look at the 20 million black babies Democrats have slaughtered in the womb.
Democrats defend abortion to the death… the death of children.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
And just look at Afghanistan. The 80,000 Afghan people who supported the United States have been left behind by the Democrats. Left behind to be slaughtered. Left behind to genocide. And the Democrats? This is fine with them.
What about the 1,000 or more Americans awaiting the same fate? No problem for the Democrat Marxists.
But does a coming genocide by the Democrats against us sound impossible? Too far fetched?
Just look as what the Democrats have unleashed against the women and children of Afghanistan. Reports of beheading children, slaughter of women are surfacing.
Democrats — the party of slavery in the Civil War which killed almost 400,000 Union soldiers fighting for freedom.
And now we are the next target.
The discussion my friends, is not theoretical… their genocide against us is already underway. And in part by way of biological warfare.
The open border is resulting in an influx of people carrying Tuberculosis, Measles, the pandemic viruses, and many other other diseases such as Typhoid… which are been eliminated in the United States. But have now been carried into out midst by the Democrats.
Another step in the creeping genocide is the impoverishment of us, the great American middle class.
Vladimir Lenin, another who the Democrats worship, gave the Democrat Party the road map to crush us economically. And clearly and without doubt, the Democrat Party is carrying this out. Here is what Lenin instructed them:
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie (middle class) is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. “
Anyone with open eyes can see that inflation is a purposeful policy of the Democrats. It reduces our ability to buy the basic necessities of life.
Combine this with the new crushing taxes the Democrats now bring upon us, and we are ground between millstones into poverty. Just as Lenin instructed them to do
The final bulwark against this genocide, now coming against Constitutional Republicans, those who believe in liberty over tyranny, is the Second Amendment.
And in shining the light on the Second Amendment, we see ideas we never realized before.
And by this I mean that we have an ally, one which the Democrat Marxists do everything possible to hide from us. And this ally is none other than the man they worship as a god: Karl Marx.
In a speech given in 1850, here is what he said about any attempt to disarm the middle class (proletariat), any attempt to disarm us:
“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; Any attempt to disarm the workers (middle class) must be frustrated, by force if necessary”
This is not our own call to arms, it is given by the lord and master of the Marxists themselves.
And for advice, we need not look outside our own ranks. Here is what Thomas Jefferson had to say about it:
The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that… it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.
We proceed non-violently, and in accordance with the law. The Constitution is the highest law of the land, and the Second Amendment is part of it.
The Second Amendment Brings Peace Through Strength, Love through strength.
The Second Amendment is a message of love, because it is a message of life.
Put simply, a way to stay alive in the face of Democrat-run genocide.
In Australia this month September 2021), a peaceful demonstration against constant lockdowns and forced vaccinations, was attacked by Australian security forces. As the protestors ran away, the security forces shot them in the back.
Hard to believe, but it happened and could happen because the Australian people had their weapons confiscated in 1995 – 1996. Now, 15 years later, they are helpless to defend themselves.
Here is the shocking video:
UNREAL: Australians are being shot in the back as they are running away ??pic.twitter.com/n70WjeRg2I
— Art TakingBack ?? (@ArtValley818_) September 22, 2021
The Second Amendment, which is the power of peace through strength, guarantees we will not be shot in the back.
In the words of Winston Churchill, so important to today for everything we do, and the Second Amendment in particular:
Never give in.
Never give in.
Never ever give in.
Even in the face of overwhelming force,
Never give in.
Dr. Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and previously in solar energy and wind power.
He recommends a book which shows the totalitarian, Nazi background of the Democrat Party. Specifically related to the Green New Deal. Another tool in the Democrat tool box to destroy us.
This amazing book makes is clear that the Green New Deal / Global Warming, is simply a lie. Simply a tool in the unending Democrat Party effort to destroy liberty and impose tyranny.
This amazing award-winning book is on Amazon:
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