
What GOP House SHOULD Be Investigating? The Big Steal

I know all of us are pleased and excited that possibly, just possibly, there will be some investigations into what Sean Hannity and others call the Biden crime family syndicate and investigations into the Hunter Biden laptop, the latter of which the FBI must be slowly investigating, as agents have had it since 2019. I wonder if they have found the “on” switch yet. Keep looking. Maybe they can ask a 4-year-old for help.

So while there is a lot of hype concerning these things, and I am sure some media outlets will keep their ratings up with the news, have you ever thought about the outcome?

Playing chess, you think several moves ahead, thinking of what your opponent is going to do, depending upon what move you make.

Let’s think about it. Let’s say we have the “goods” on Hunter Biden. We clearly show that he made money through selling access to his father when Joe was vice president. Let’s just say we determine that Hunter sold American secrets for money. Most people would call that treason. I am not sure what mainstream media will call it. Perhaps they will say he was painting or something, but let’s say we got him and have the goods to prove it. What happens next? Well, with the big guy being president, he could simply just use his presidential power and pardon his son Hunter.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Let’s say that it is determined that the big guy had top secret documents stashed everywhere, dating all the way back to his days in the U.S. Senate (which is what has been determined). Let’s say that someone is able to follow a money trail and determine there is a lot of money that cannot be accounted for in Joe’s accounts. Let’s say that more evidence comes out suggesting that Joe sold secrets. Well, Joe has been sworn in as president of the United States. I think he has the power … to pardon himself.

Surely these would be impeachable offenses. Right? So let’s say that the evidence comes out that Joe did something impeachable – I mean really committed an impeachable offense, like treason, for example. So the House impeaches him. Did you notice that from the last election, the Republicans did not regain control of the Senate? They let the Republicans have the House of Representatives, but not the Senate. Not having the Senate means that even if the House impeaches Joe, the Senate will not convict him, and Joe will still be president, just like what happened with Bill Clinton.

So we can have all these headlines, all this garbage, all this drama, and the final result is going to be, in effect, nothing.

Then what should Republicans investigate since the House has that power? Let’s set up a hypothetical situation where this question is asked to a room full of reporters. In this room, a young reporter in the back raises his hand and says …

“Did anybody notice the elephant in the room?”

Suddenly there is a rustle in the room. People fidget. There is a low mummer of hushed tones. People are now squirming in their seats as the surveillance cameras are all turning toward the wall, like in a Jason Bourne movie, and suddenly, people in black suits and dark glasses come in and drag the young reporter away. Everyone else just resumes what they were doing, and everything returns to normal.

What would it mean to say, “There is an elephant in the room“? According to Wikipedia, the phrase actually goes back to 1814 when Ivan Krylov wrote a fable entitled, “The Inquisitive Man.” In this fable a man travels to a museum and sees all sorts of “tiny things” but fails to notice the elephant standing in the room.

Today the phrase, “the elephant in the room” means that there is an “important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about, but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable and is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous” – as the young naïve reporter found out in our hypothetical situation.

Wow! What enormous topic or question could our legislative body in Washington be ignoring? Well, for it to be an enormous topic, it seems it should involve our country.

Let’s see. It could involve our Constitution. Oh, what else?

Well, we have a republic. Hmm, that is a representative type of government where people are elected to represent the people.

What could possibly be enormously important about that?

Well, elections in a republic are supposed to be what is termed “free and fair.” “Free and fair” elections have been defined to mean, an election involving “political freedoms and fair processes leading up to the vote, a fair count of eligible voters who cast a ballot (including such aspects as electoral fraud or voter suppression), and acceptance of election results by all parties.”

What elephant in the room could cause: 1) an online newspaper to be demonetized because it pointed at the elephant, or 2) make a large “conservative” news agency’s lawyers tell their staff “not to touch it,” concerning a well-documented documentary addressing proven aspects concerning the elephant, or 3) make it so a well-respected former mayor for one of our countries largest cities has to face persecution for talking about the elephant.

What could this elephant be? It seems that if this elephant is not addressed, it will still be around and could impact things in the future – for his size is enormous.

Returning to our hypothetical situation, as the young reporter was dragged away he threw a crumpled piece of paper in my direction. I stepped on it. As no one was looking, I hesitatingly reach down and quickly snatched it up. As I unfolded it, I realized there was writing on it. Scratched on the piece of paper was the question, “Was the 2020 election free and fair?”

Could this be the elephant to which the young reporter was speaking? No – if this were the elephant, people in America would be calling their Washington representatives at 202-224-3121 so often the telephone circuits would be jammed. If this were the elephant, the postman would not be able to carry in all of the letters to members of Congress from the voting populace. If this were the elephant, the inboxes of lawmakers’ email accounts (which are easily obtained online) would be totally filled with emails from their constituency. If this were the elephant, Americans would be calling for the House of Representatives to conduct an investigation – into the 2020 election.

Since these things are not happening, I guess the elephant must be something else.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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