
WH website still promising you can keep your health insurance

The new and improved Healthcare.gov website
The new and improved Healthcare.gov website

Hey, what do you expect from an administration that is still familiarizing itself with DOS command lines?

Weasel Zippers notes that the White House website, a day after the lid blew off, still carries the false claim that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep your current health care plan.

The site has company. Here is Stephanie Cutter (remember that shrew from the 2012 campaign?) on the White House blog in a still-available post dated May 18, 2010 and headlined “Yes, You Can Keep Your Health Plan.” Notice that Cutter opens by gainsaying an op-ed published on the same day by the Wall Street Journal, which claimed that despite the administration’s guarantee, you cannot keep your health care plan.

Even more interesting is that Cutter contradicts herself in the second paragraph of her post by acknowledging that the WSJ is right in its premise that the individual market will be adversely affected by the health care law. Cutter follows up with this diamond in the rough, which has been polished only within the last 24 hours to its current embarrassingly glaring luster:

The fact of the matter is that the individual market does not work well now — it features high prices and not enough choice, and too many Americans are left with poor or no health insurance because of this. The Affordable Care Act establishes minimum standards for health plans; creates transparent and competitive markets from which consumers can buy insurance; and helps those who can’t afford insurance coverage to purchase it.


The bottom line is that the Act allows people to keep the insurance they have, while also providing more and better options for all.

Kindly indicate by a show of hands how many of you would like to see Cutter in a ring going head-to-head with the estimated 16,000 Americans who have already lost their coverage. Perhaps Cutter would like to defend her statements against the experiences of Dianne Barrette, a 56-year-old Florida resident, who was told that her health care plan is not comprehensive enough to meet the coverage requirements set by the Affordable Care Act and that her new plan will cost 10 times what she currently pays.

CBS News did a segment last night on the plight of Barrette and the legions of others the law places in the same Procrustean bed.  A video capture may be found here.

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