In the mindset of the 1977 television series “Fantasy Island,” I can hear Kamala shouting, “De EV bus! De EV bus!” as Joe walks out and says, “Smiles, everyone! Smiles! My dear guests, I am Joe Biden, your host. Welcome to Fantasy America.” Unfortunately, this fantasy is more of a nightmare.
Recently, Joe visited a UAW strike for five minutes and gave an 87-second speech through a bullhorn. His speech didn’t mention Joe’s Green New Deal fantasies and Chinese connections causing 400,000 autoworkers to lose their jobs. The videos of Biden’s 87-second speech shows merely around 20 people present. Even CNBC’s Sullivan could not attend because “security was tighter than a foreign visit.”
Troublingly, while autoworkers lose jobs with the switch to EVs, auto parts stores will close, auto warehouses will close, mechanics will lose jobs, and the used-car market will also collapse.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Can’t the used-car market merely transition to pre-owned EVs? Batteries in EVs only last 100,000 miles. As EV cars reach the used-car market, the battery is dead with a replacement cost of $15,000-$23,000. Who will purchase a 100,000-mile vehicle for $5,000-$10,000, which then needs a $15,000-$23,000 battery? This means EV cars are disposable! It also means, get ready for some good fires. According to a 2020 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report, collections of batteries, during the disposal stages, have a high risk of fires as batteries accumulate. The process is called a “thermal runaway.” I think that means “boom and burn.” The NFPA report states EV fires can occur:
1. “When a vehicle is stationary. Extreme temperatures, high humidity, internal cell failure, and abuse of a LIB [Lithium Ion Battery] at some prior time can all cause such fires.” “Heavy rain” can ignite LIBs.
Boom and burn.
2. “When the EV is charging due to overcharging or problems with the charging stations or cables.”
Boom and burn.
3. “After a traffic crash or other abuse does significant damage to cause ignition during or immediately after the crash.”
Boom and burn.
4. “When an LIB reignites after an initial fire has been handled.”
So, EV cars are wonderful, as long as you don’t hit something on the road, as happened July 2022 in North Carolina, where an EV burst into flames, and they are wonderful as long as the vehicle is moving, so don’t get caught in traffic, as the Tesla did that burst into flames in September 2023, and they are wonderful as long as you don’t drive the car in hot weather, or on humid days, or in heavy rain, and for heavens sake, don’t get in a car accident, for if you do – run – for your rig is apt to explode. Take these things into consideration as you purchase your $50,000-$70,000 Tesla.
While watching EVs burn, members of Biden’s swamp-creature Cabinet are making hordes of money on this forced “transition.” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, owning $5 million in stocks in electric battery and vehicle manufacturer Proterra, led Biden and Harris to promote the company, increasing the company’s value prior to it going public. Granholm then cashed in her 200,000 shares, making $1.6 million in profit, on which she will not have to pay capital gains taxes, “because Cabinet secretaries are not penalized on assets they are required to sell.” Many more Democrats made money on Proterra, such as John Kerry, Al Gore’s investment firm and several major Democratic donors.
Ignoring fire hazards of LIBs, there is another world of problems for EV cars, and that is that EVs typically weight 30% more than ICEs (internal combustion engine vehicles). That means more road wear, faster tire wear and higher road noise. Yet destroying our roads faster and faster accumulation of worn tires isn’t the biggest concern. What about parking decks? The New York Post says that this increased weight could collapse parking garages, as do articles in Government Tech and Global National.
Concerning EV cost, recent studies by Anderson Economic Group show higher EV fuel cost compared to ICEs, stating “Biden’s EV fantasy [is] crumbling.”
Biden is also forcing lawnmower companies to go electric. If you can mow your lawn with a battery run-time of 20 to 45 minutes, then you will not have problems, at least the first year. An EV lawnmower owner stated his EV mower cost $250. The second year the battery only lasted half as long. To replace the battery cost $250. So, EV lawn mowers are disposable too! This EV mower owner stated he now has to mow his lawn over two days, because of insufficient battery performance, but he is happy, since he’s not contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. He forgot his mower uses electricity from coal-fired power plants and nuclear power plants. Soon he will be mowing every day due to poor battery performance. Biden is force-transitioning 75% of the push mowers to EV by 2025 and 50% of ride-on models by 2027. Some of the EV mowers have electrical cords to help. What could be wrong with having an electrical cord all over your backyard with a metal cutter blade spinning at 216 mph? Hmmm …
What are we going to do with disposable cars and disposable lawn mowers? Why, we can just pile them in the 30-acre west Texas lots filled presently with spent 300-foott wind turbine blades having to be replaced every 15 years. With enough of the LIBs piled up, they will spontaneously combust and melt everything in the insanely intense heat. After the ecological disaster and the stench subsides, we could just landfill the mess.
“Fantasy Island” stopped being produced in 1984. Ricardo Montalban lost his smiles and went on to be the villain Kahn in the movie “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn.” If Joe wins another four years in the White House, and doesn’t have to worry about reelection, I wondered what he might become, as he drives gas prices to over $10 per gallon? Maybe “Dark Brandon” is real.
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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.
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