
WATCH: Male ‘Trans Girl’ Assaults Real Girls In Middle School — School District Defends The Attacker!

WARNING: Sensitive videos showing student-on-student violence

A viral video on X reportedly shows a (biological) male “trans girl” sneaking up on and then assaulting an actual girl in the hallway of an Oregon Middle School. It is the third girl that the gender-confused boy has assaulted, according to a parent of a child who attends the school.

The school is Hazlebrook Middle School in Tualatin, Oregon, outside Portland. Here is how the parent, Ben Edtl, founder of a conservative group called Free Oregon, describes the vicious attack in a Thursday X post: “Our girls are at risk in Oregon Schools. This attack happened at Hazlebrook Middle School in the Tigard Tualatin School District in Oregon. What you’re seeing is a large boy, who identifies as a girl ambush a smaller girl from behind. Both of these children are the victims of the adults that run this school district. So far, neither the district or the school has given parents any answers. This is #oregon.”

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The video shows the boy (dressed in girl’s attire) rushing up on a girl from behind, throwing her on to the floor, then grabbing her up by the hair as he beats her. He calls her a “[bleep]” and she answers: “I didn’t do anything!”

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Edtl sent out a follow-up post: “This is the third girl he assaulted at Hazelbrook. I have been given video of the two prior assaults. The school rewards kids for declaring false gender and supports their [egregious] behavior with “Restorative Justice” – the principal, Dr. Susan Rieke Smith should be terminated immediately.”

An X post by Tualatin Police Wednesday afternoon stated: “We are aware of this incident and it is being investigated, however because it involves juveniles, we are unable to comment further.”

Just before press time, Edtl published a scathing message by the girl victim’s mother, alongside a statement by the local school district that Edtl described as follows: “This is totally insane. [Tigard-Tualatin School District] is DEFENDING the attacker! UNBELIEVABLE!” The school board’s statement pledged to hold “those who commit acts of violence accountable” but criticized the sharing of the videos, while it reaffirmed its commitment to “inclusivity, diversity and respect.”

Mom: Boy is ‘clearly targeting females’
In contrast, the mother’s statement, shared by Edtl, encourages the sharing of the “horrific video.” She states: “Yesterday my daughter was attacked at school by a biological male student dressed as a girl. I cannot even put into words my anger at the situation after watching his horrific video nor my distraught [sic] knowing I can’t do anything because I will ultimately, end up in jail.

“To the school – Where were the supervisors? Why wasn’t anyone present in the hallways? I don’t want excuses, I want answers.

“Of course, the coward that he is fled after putting hands on here. HIS name is, Juan Marmolejo Segura and as of right now the police cannot find him. We WILL be pressing charges. I want everyone to see this video. I want everyone to share this video. Assaulting someone is never ok BUT a boy/man should NEVER lay hands on a girl/woman and that’s on the parents for not raising a decent human being.”

The girl’s mom continues: “Clearly, Juan isn’t a human of good values or morals. In fact he doesn’t seem like a good human being at all. He is know for being a bully and has done this to several girl. He is clearly, targeting females.”

She ended her statement: “Juan, if you see this just know we are coming for you and we will not stop until you are punished in the court of law to the furthest extent. You will NOT get away with this.”

In his initial X post on the school assault, Edtl cc’d some big-name conservatives who have done yeoman’s work in exposing trans extremism, including Andy Ngo and swimmer Riley Gaines, who have actually been victimized by it. They helped make the video go viral.

In an X post containing the Oregon video, Gaines wrote: “Trans male attacks female student in Oregon high school [editor: it is a middle school]. This was certainly planned given multiple people were filming. All involved should be suspended and he should be charged with assault as a male. … Identify as you wish, but you can’t hide from your innate sex characteristics.”

In another X post containing a video showing the gender-confused boy assaulting another girl, Gaines wrote: The SAME student attacking two other girls at a middle school in Oregon. The school board should be sued into oblivion for failing to protect their students time and time again. Every single member of the @TigardTualSD is responsible. Trans violence is violence.”

The last sentence mocking the transgender activist slogan, “Trans women are women.”

Two X posts by Ngo exposed how the school where the assaults occurred is “promoting trans and sexual propaganda with its students”:

Reposting an X post by Ngo reporting that “Hazelbrook Middle School @Hazelbrook_MS just locked down its [X] account following mass criticism of a trans student there beating a girl,” Edtl wrote: “These COWARDS will answer to the people who entrusted them to serve – They simply cannot hide from accountability. We won’t let them.”

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Believe it or not, today’s high priests of climate-change apocalypse are correct in predicting that in just a few short years, the earth will become miserable, wretched and almost uninhabitable by human beings. But the grim future they envision won’t come about because of “catastrophic climate change,” but rather, because of the implementation of their completely insane and truly catastrophic agenda.

As Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore recently admitted, “If they actually achieve Net Zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease.” Likewise, writes energy expert and author Alex Epstein: “Today’s proposed policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequences – making the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people.”

Question: When the scientific case for global warming apocalypse consists primarily of a 1-degree Celsius rise in temperature over more than 130 years, what explains the obsession with an imminent, climate-caused end of the world?

Although many groups have been drawn into the Climate Change Cult – from the news media (which has warned of climate catastrophe, either global warming or a “new ice age,” for over a century!), to innocent school kids indoctrinated by hysterical leftist teachers, to liberal Democrats who claim “climate change” will destroy the earth in a few years – the REAL villains are the national and global elites who KNOW the apocalyptic global warming religion is just a cruel hoax, but promote and exploit it as a means of accomplishing their ultimate goal: Transforming and ruling the world.

The heart and soul of today’s bizarre, pagan climate-change religion, and the global elites’ strategies for using it to rule all of mankind, is powerfully exposed and illuminated in the September issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, an issue titled “CULT OF THE CLIMATE APOCALYPSE: The elites’ breathtaking strategy for ruling the world.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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