
Warning: Fauci, Dems Coming For Our Children — Even As Young As Two Months Old!

If we think about all the terrible things that have happened to our freedom, to our lives, at the hands of the Obama – Biden puppet regime… at the tsunami of hate… then their next step seems more possible. And indeed it has started: they are coming for our children with needles.

This assault on children in various forms has been going on for two decades in schools and colleges. But now the Obama – Biden puppet army is literally coming to destroy the children.

Sickening and killing children is actually nothing new for them. The Fauci – Bill Gates polio vaccine program in India killed or crippled almost 500,000 children.

Because it took place far away, and because of the fascist power to control the media, it was just a tiny blip on a radar screen that almost no one saw.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

And what about the 18 million black babies murdered by the Democrat abortion machine called Planned Parenthood? But India and Planned Parenthood are just steps towards a final solution they have begun for the children.

Now Democrats are coming for the white children. And the black ones too. And the Hispanic ones. Diversity loved by Democrat fascists extends to killing them diversely too.

How then exactly is this attack on our children going to take place?

In fact it has recently started and is as clear as day.

On May 10, 2021 the FDA issued an Emergency Authorization Use for Pfizer vaccines on the age group 12 to 15 years. It’s right there on the FDA website.

This authorization is based supposedly on the results of Pfizer clinical trials on children in the 12 to 15 age group.

However, let’s take a careful look at the actual Pfizer test results. They can be found here in the test results document published by the FDA on behalf of Pfizer

Looking at the data in Tables 5 and 6, we make an astonishing discovery.

In the “safety” trials by Pfizer on children 12 to 15 years of age, which are supposedly the basis for securing FDA approval, the percentage of “moderate” to “serious” adverse effects was 46%! And the total adverse effects, mild to serious was 86%!

Let me repeat that: of the children in the Pfizer “safety” trials, 86% experienced adverse effects! 46% were moderate to serious!

Democrat media leaped into the genocide attempt, to further it, for example, this report by CBS News

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine found safe and 100% effective in 12- to 15-year-olds, company says”

In a study of 2,260 U.S. volunteers aged 12 to 15, preliminary data showed there were no cases of COVID-19 among fully vaccinated adolescents compared to 18 among those given placebo shots, Pfizer reported.”

The fascist media does not mention the harm done to the study participants, and merely parrots the message designed to lure our children into a trap from which they can not escape.

Thus, hidden by America’s leading expert on infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci, hidden by the FDA, hidden by the fascist media is this startling test result.

86% of the 2,260 children in the test suffered an adverse effect. These ranging from mild to serious.

Fauci has gushed that he plans to then move on to 6 to 12-year-olds, and down to two months old!

In an astonishing video interview with Jake Tapper, Fauci gushed with joy about his ongoing studies is “de-escalation” of

  • ages 12 to 9
  • 9 to 6
  • 6 to 2
  • and down to two months old!

Watch Fauci gush with joy, simply thinking about injecting two-month-old babies with the vaccine from hell.

Can you imagine a two-month-old baby being injected with an experimental mRNA genetic modification tool, which has injured and killed untold thousands of adults already? Here are the words of Fauci in this CNN interview:

Even if we did lie down and roll over regarding the attacks on ourselves, the LITTLE RED REPUBLICAN SURVIVAL BOOK predicts that the children will be the red line. Resistance will occur. Just keep your LITTLE RED REPUBLICAN SURVIVAL BOOK by your side, and save the children. Otherwise there is no going back. Starting now by saving the 12 to 15 years old would be a good first step.

The effort by Fauci, Gates, puppet Biden and his puppet master, to damage children is the red line. They’ve already crossed it, and their demons from hell are streaming over it.

Here is the video of a child, whose parents only wanted to protect him. Through fear they had him vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.

The result is horrific. This video is very hard to watch, and only shown here to raise red flags so large and bright no other parents will follow this path due to fear or pressure.

In the words of Winston Churchill it’s now time to resist pressures or possible forced vaccinations. Instead work with your own doctor. Show the doctor the video. Children are depending on us.

They have no one to protect them but us. Remember the words of Winston Churchill:

Never give in. Never give in.

Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense.

Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

Dr Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and nanotechnology related to antimicrobial product development.

His book, published in February 2020 was basically the first to reveal that the virus was created in Wuhan China in the Virology Institute and is a biological weapon. And now that biological weapon is mutating into monster strains, far worse than the original.

On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0863QP9MT


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