
Voters: Majority says country going in ‘wrong direction’ under Biden

school Biden
Joe Biden has beenin office just short of a year. He’s in big trouble.

An overwhelming majority of likely voters thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a new Rasmussen survey released Tuesday.

Only 26 percent of voters believe the country is on the right track, while a whopping 68 percent say the United States is going down the wrong path. That is up three points from a week ago, while those saying the country is on the right track are down four points from the previous week.

That cannot be good news for Joe Biden, who continues to tank in the polls, although he has slightly rebounded from Monday, when his presidential approval index rating was at -31. On Tuesday, he bounced up slightly with a -29 approval index rating.

On Monday, according to Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, only 18 percent of likely voters “strongly approved” of Biden’s job performance, while 49 percent “strongly disapproved.”

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Tuesday, 19 percent “strongly approve” of Biden’s performance on the job, while 48 percent “strongly disapprove.”

And that’s not all of it. Fox Business recently did a poll, learning that only 22 percent of voters think Biden’s policies are helping keep inflation in check, while more than twice that number—47 percent—think he is “making inflation worse.” The remaining 28 percent don’t believe he is making a difference.

Add to that the recent Quinnipiac University poll showing only 33 percent of Americans approving of Biden’s job performance, while 53 percent think he’s not doing so well.

Bottom line: Biden’s administration is a political train wreck, according to critics, and he has three more years in office.

The president is prepping for a Wednesday afternoon press conference, only his tenth since taking office a year ago. It will be instructional to see how the press handles this event. Will they softball the man they helped put in office by essentially demonizing Donald Trump? Or will the media, in an attempt to rebuild its own credibility, go after Biden for what appears to be a string of failures going back to the day he was sworn in.


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