IT is always the case that when law and order ceases to ‘rule the streets’, well, all manner of criminality takes over. Yes, like night follows day.
IN fact, and for the record, when the streets of NYC erupted into jungle-like chaos throughout the 1980’s (from years of purposeful neglect by pandering to all of those in seats of Demster power centers), Mayor Giuliani, in tandem with Police Commissioner William Bratton, instituted the most successful policing protocol in history, namely, “Broken Windows”. As a true testimony to its verifiable results, many police forces throughout the U.S. adopted this model, and, as a knock-on effect, crime in America reached a lower and quantifiable measurement.
NOT only that, boots-on-the-ground attested to the same. One such pair belonged to this investigative journalist’s brother, Morty Dzikansky – having reached the top rank of an NYPD Homicide Detective, First Grade – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPMLdzaDNLY&t=1585s …… – who was part of the RIP Squad (Robbery Investigation Program) during “Broken Windows”, as well as the SNEU Unit (Special Narcotics Enforcement Unit), too. He testified before several Commissions that sans the aforementioned policing, well, NYC would have devolved into worse than a hell-hole.
ASK yourselves: Why in the world was Comrade DeBlasio totally bent on eviscerating all of the successes implemented by Giuliani (Bloomberg preserved some, but couldn’t hang tough), leaving the city in broken pieces, once again!? You decide. Btw, Adams is a disaster, too.
BACK to today’s report at hand, whereby, so-called ‘vigilantes’ are placed under arrest and the criminals are gifted free rein!!
NYPOST.com | By Richard Pollina | March 20, 2024
A pair of vigilantes allegedly tried to forcefully evict three alleged squatters from a million-dollar Queens home after the homeowner was arrested when she changed the locks and tried to remove them.
Two unidentified men driving a black pickup truck pulled into the driveway of the Flushing’s home searching for the tenants Tuesday afternoon, according to the Daily Mail.
“We are looking to get this guy out,” one of the men allegedly said, a neighbor told the outlet. “I am here to talk to him. I want to see why he is here.”
Adele Andaloro, 47, was in the process of selling the property when the group shadily took refuge in the home last month.
Andaloro inherited the $1 million property from her parents after they died.
Andaloro had been living in the home with her daughter and mother until her mom’s death a few years ago.
A beloved community member, Andaloro put the two-story home on the market, but that’s when the tenants got into the house and brazenly replaced the entire front door and locks.
Before her arrest on Feb. 29 — which was captured by ABC’s Eyewitness News — Andaloro faced off with the group in a tense standoff.
The police were eventually called and escorted two people off the property.
With at least three apparent residents still inside, cops told Andaloro she had to sort the saga out in housing court because it was considered a “landlord-tenant issue” before she was arrested.
The home’s owner was charged with unlawful eviction because she had changed the locks and had not provided a new key to the person staying there.
In New York City, a person can claim “squatter’s rights” after just 30 days of living at a property.
Under the law, it is illegal for the homeowner to change the locks, turn off the utilities, or remove the belongings of the “tenants” from the property.