Video of the Day: Mike Adams calls for arrest, criminal prosecution of executives running tech giants

Earlier this week, Mike Adams, the founder of Real.Video — an alternative to YouTube — responded to news that Alex Jones’ Infowars was banned by social media companies by calling for the arrest and criminal prosecution of tech company executives for racketeering and fraud.
Writing at Natural News on Monday, Adams said:
Today, tech giants Google / YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and Facebook all simultaneously blacklisted Alex Jones and InfoWars. This coordinated, illegal censorship is clear proof of an organized criminal racket being conducted by the tech giants. The RICO Act allows for federal prosecution of such criminal conspiracy.
The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.” What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.
No due process, no appeal, no transparency of the evidence against you, no ability to present evidence in your defense, no means of recourse, nothing…
The tech giants alone now decide what speech is allowed on the internet (and what speech is banned).
Here’s Adams’ video:
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