
Video of the Day: Joe Scarborough calls for Secret Service to investigate Alex Jones

Talk about fake news.  On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough lauded the banning of Alex Jones’ Infowars from various social media outlets, including Facebook and YouTube.  He upped the ante, however, and claimed that Jones has called for the assassination of Robert Mueller, the former FBI head who is leading the farcical investigation into Russia/Trump collusion.

He also said the Secret Service should investigate Jones.

“Alex Jones, my god Mika,” he said. “It seems that he was calling for the assassination of Robert Mueller.”

“This should go well beyond him not being on Apple or YouTube.” he added, insinuating that the First Amendment should not apply to Jones whatsoever.

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“This seems to be something that the Secret Service should be looking into, when it seems that he is calling for the assassination of a former FBI director, and a man who is leading an investigation into Vladimir Putin undermining American democracy.” he further stated, attempting to paint Jones as un-American.

Scarborough offered absolutely no proof of his assertions, and at no time have we ever heard Jones make such a statement.

Response was pretty much what one might expect:



“MSNBC and Morning Joe in particular have been pushing hard for big tech to outright ban Infowars for weeks,” Steve Watson wrote.


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