Video of the Day: Joe Biden Says He Wants To See Islamic Faith Taught In Schools

While pandering to the Emgage Action Million Muslim Votes Summit, presumptive Democrat White House candidate Joe Biden said he would like to see the Islamic faith taught in our nation’s schools.
So much for that “separation of church and state” thing leftists like to use against Christians and Jews.
“If I have the honor of being president, I will end the Muslim ban on day one, day one,” he said on a call with Islamist Linda Sarsour.
“Under this administration, we’ve seen an unconscionable, an unconscionable rise in Islamicphobia and incidents including kids being bullied in schools and hate crimes in our communities,” he added. And yes, that’s how he described it, according to reports.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Then he made this stunning declaration: “One of the things I think is important, I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith.”
Fox News added:
Emgage Action, the country’s largest Muslim American PAC, endorsed Biden in April after endorsing Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary.
Biden told the voters he would end President Trump’s travel ban affecting Muslim-majority countries on day one of his presidency and blamed the White House’s current occupant for “an unconscionable rise in Islamophobia.”
But if you listen to his full statement below, you can hear him call it “Islamicphobia” at least twice.
Reaction on Twitter was pretty much what you’d expect:
Umm Is Talib & Omar running his campaign
Will we start teaching Judaism, Christianity & Buddhism in our public schools!?
Make no mistake.. They want to change the USA.. just not the way you ever imagined
— Baruch Sandhaus (@BaruchSandhaus) July 20, 2020
Hold on a minute… They don’t even want our children saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools in our country & using the word God but he wants to teach more about Muslim faith? We don’t even teach about the Jewish or Christian faith in non-religious schools.What the actual hell
— BejaGirl ?? ⭐️ ✡️? (@bejagirl64) July 20, 2020
So separation of Church and State is out now too. Anything else? The list of Constitutional abuses Dems are willing to ratify sure is getting long.
— DiegoSunDevil (@diegosundevil) July 20, 2020
Same fundamental basic religious belief? I don’t think so. I don’t think we should be killing our wives and daughters like the Quran says and I don’t think we should be killing innocent people with bombs or fly airplanes into buildings.
— Billy Young ?? (@BillYoung2019) July 20, 2020
One person used Biden’s own words against him:
Surely that would turn schools into some kind of “Racial Jungle”?
Your words…not mine— Truman Show (@QuantumShift3) July 20, 2020
Is this man for real???
— myrna stein (@mommom3) July 20, 2020
Yes, unfortunately…
Reminder: If you haven’t done so yet, please go HERE and cast your vote for the Liberal Media Propagandist Of The Year for 2020.
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