
Video of the Day: Head of Chicago Teachers Union Falsely Claims Conservatives Do Not Want Black Children to Read; “Part of the Oath They Take to be Right Wing”

There’s a lot of stupid on the radical left these days.  There’s so much stupid out there, it’s nearly impossible for any single site to keep up with it.  From the chief White House propagandist telling us all to not believe our lying eyes regarding Biden’s mental state, to Stacy Davis Gates, the head of Chicago’s Teachers Union claiming conservatives don’t want black children to read.


And if that’s not enough, she went on to claim that it’s part of an “oath” conservatives take to be “right-wing.”

Don’t take our word for it.  Here she is:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

According to Fox:

“Conservatives don’t even want Black children to be able to read,” Davis Gates said. “Remember, these same conservatives are the conservatives who probably would have been championing Black codes, you know, during reconstruction or thereafter. So, forgive me again if conservatives pushing back on educating immigrant children, Black children, children who live in poverty, doesn’t make my anxiety go up. That’s what they’re supposed to say. That is literally a part of the oath that they take to be right wing.”

Personally, I am damn sick and tired of these idiotic liberal jackwagons vomiting their stupid baseless lies.  Perhaps it’s time conservatives got together and filed the mother of all class-action lawsuits against Gates and every other stupid lying liberal who spews this kind of crap.

Works for me.

Gates, by the way, makes some $289,000 a year, but for some reason, can’t pay her water bill

H/T Gateway Pundit


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