Video of the Day: Bitter hatemonger Joy Behar gives jaw-dropping response when asked if world a better place without al-Baghdadi

Without question, “The View” co-host Joy Behar is living proof that liberalism is an ideology of insane hate and rage.
On Monday, the Trump-hating shrews on the program basically made it clear there was absolutely nothing the president could do that would earn their praise.
“So can we at least agree that the world is a better place without this guy in it?” Whoopi Goldberg asked.
“Who, Trump or Baghdadi? Which one?” Behar asked in response. Naturally, her answer prompted the hatemongers in the audience to cheer.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Here’s video, courtesy of Newsbusters:
Kristine Marsh added:
Co-hosts Meghan McCain and Abby Huntsman fervently argued that this was a win for America and critics needed to stop complaining about Trump for at least a moment. McCain pointed out how there was people celebrating the streets when Bin Laden was killed, but she was disappointed “there was not this feeling of celebration” over Baghdadi’s death. “[W]e should take these wins because it’s a win for America, and it’s a win for democracy, and it’s a win for freedom,” she began.
Huntsman also pointed out the lack of gratitude being shown to the troops who carried out this raid. But fellow co-host Sunny Hostin griped that the President thanked Russia first, and bypassed letting Democrats know about the raid.
“Are you comfortable he told Russia about this before he told his own gang of eight? Are you comfortable with that?” she complained to Huntsman, who argued Hostin was taking context out of the President’s words.
Fake news, fake “analysis” from Trump-hating hosts who have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about… The folks at ABC should be proud…
- Video: Joy Behar Wants Trump Charged, Sued By ACLU For ‘Hate Speech’
- Video: Joy Behar admits liberal media propagandists ‘desperate to get Trump out of office’
- ‘One-trick pony’: Joy Behar celebrates 20 unhinged years on ‘The View’ with request that Trump resign
- Kid Rock on Fox and Friends: ‘S**** That Joy Behar B****’
- Joy Behar: Trump a ‘traitor’ who should be charged with sedition
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