
‘Very Serious’: Are Mystery Drones Hunting For A Hidden Radioactive Bomb? New Reports Make Bombshell Claim (Video)

As the U.S. government remains coy about mysterious drones sighted over numerous states, there are new reports suggesting the devices are part of a massive counter-terror operation hunting for a dirty bomb or another possible weapon of mass destruction on American soil.

“It’s potentially the most significant national security threat we’ve faced since 9/11,” said Gary Franchi in his Raw Feed broadcast Saturday on the Next News Network.

“Apparently the Office of Global Access [a division of the CIA] has deployed these advanced surveillance assets for one purpose: hunting for a dirty bomb that’s believed to be hidden somewhere on U.S. soil.

“But here’s what should really keep you up at night. The reason the intel is leaking now, well, because time may be running out.”

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“These are our drones,” Franchi stressed. “They are tracking gamma rays linked to possible WMDs in a massive counter-terror operation.”

He noted the purported WMD could be hidden in a cargo container or vehicle.

“The stakes are high, and of course, the government’s silence does speak volumes because they don’t want people to panic. And people already are panicked because there hasn’t been disclosure, clear disclosure.”

“People are actually taking up arms and they’re shooting at anything they see in the sky, which should NOT be happening. You should not be taking up any arms. You should not be taking aim at anything in the sky. That is very, very dangerous because a lot of these videos that are surfacing, a lot of them are being identified as passenger airliners or small passenger jets.”

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Franchi cited a viral video posted by John Ferguson, the CEO of Wichita-based Saxon Aerospace, who gave his stunning “opinion” linking the drone sightings to the disappearance of more than 80 nuclear warheads from Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

He said there’s never been a full accounting of these weapons, and at least one of them may have been headed toward America.

Ferguson recalled a discussion with a government insider who handled one of the missing warheads, only to have his concerns ignored by U.S. officials.

“Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan had dismantled the nuclear program,” Ferguson explained. “With Russia, there were countless nuclear missiles that were disarmed and disposed of. Well, there were over 80, I believe. There were over 80 nuclear warheads that were in Ukraine that came up missing.

“We don’t know where they are. Maybe somebody does, but nobody really knows where these are. I speak with some pretty high-level government officials on this stuff. It seems as though that is the case.

“I spoke to a gentleman a few months ago who was trying to raise an alarm to the highest levels of our government, which they had their ears closed, about this one particular nuclear warhead that he physically put his hands on.

“He physically touched this warhead that was left over from Ukraine. And he knew that that thing was headed towards the United States. That is a very serious deal. And everyone knows that the United States government, this administration, is pushing to get into a war with Russia. We all know that. We all feel it. We all see it.”

Ferguson believes the flying devices are most likely trying to sense hidden targets, which may contain radioactive material.

“Now, drones have no reason to be in the air at night unless you’re doing some type of ISR work, intelligence surveillance reconnaissance, looking for bad guys or looking for a victim, a search and rescue victim, or law enforcement, or some type of military project,” he said.

“There’s no reason for a drone to be flying at night, really, because they don’t see sh**. Unless you have thermal optics, drones really don’t see stuff. You need to do mapping during the day. If you’re going to do farming stuff, mostly do it during the day.

“The only reason why you would ever fly an unmanned aircraft at night is if you’re looking for something, whether it be a person or trying to smell gas.

“We have methane-gas-detection systems that can detect gas leaks and pipelines. You really wouldn’t use thermal optics for trying to find gas leaks just simply because the only way you’re actually going to find a gas leak with thermal optics is if the gas leak is aggressive enough that it has a difference in temperature. Because radio thermal imaging, it creates a digital image based off the temperature of variance.

“So whatever is different in temperature, it creates an image. Gas, usually gas leaks so slow that it goes quickly into ambient before you can even see it. So we have special sensors that can detect gas leaks.

“We also have special sensors that can detect radioactive material. So with this gentleman that I had spoken with who was trying to raise the alarm to try to get somebody in the government to say, ‘Hey, we need to work together to go try to find this nuclear warhead.’ None of that ever happened. They knew that warhead was on its way to the United States.

“That’s all that ever came of it. Nothing ever happened. This government did not do anything at all to help this gentleman raise the alarm and raise awareness that there is a very deadly weapon on its way to the United States. It’s out there.

“Nobody knows where it’s at now. It left Europe, now it’s gone. My guess, my own guess, is that these drones are not nefarious in intent. If they are, they are, but I doubt it. But if they are our drones, the only reason why they would be flying, and flying that low, is because they’re trying to smell something on the ground.”

“My belief is they’re trying to smell something on the ground, gas, leaks, radioactive material, whatever. Do I think that If they’re coming up out of the ocean, no, I don’t think so.

“Drones that are multi-copter type drones, not the fixed wing aircraft that look like regular airplanes, but the multi-copters, they only have so much battery life. They have hybrid versions that are gas-powered with electric, but those can still only fly for a short period of time.

“There’s no way in hell that any drone is going to go miles off the coast as a multi-copter and fly into the interior of the United States and do a bunch of work and then turn around and fly back. It’s just physics will not allow that to happen.

“So these drones, I believe, are launched from a location that nobody knows. But I do believe that they’re flying low enough that they’re just trying to sniff the ground and try to find something. So again, I hate to be a pessimist or a guy that thinks directly to the negative.

“However, I know as a professional, we build professional stuff for the military. I believe that they’re actually out there trying to smell something that’s very important.”

Popular podcaster Joe Rogan shared Ferguson’s video online, noting: “This is the first video about these drones that has got me genuinely concerned.”

As WorldNetDaily reported Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., dropped his own bombshell concerning the source of the drones, asserting they’re being launched from an Iranian “mother ship” off the eastern seaboard of the United States, a claim firmly denied by the Pentagon.

On a more humorous note, President-elect Donald Trump posted an image Saturday about the drone mystery, linking it to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie receiving drone-delivered meals from McDonald’s.

Follow Joe on Twitter @JoeKovacsNews

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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