Union’s Mafiaso Rights

We all know what kind of tactics unions use to get their way, but what I’ll bet you didn’t know is that unions cannot be charged with vandalism, extortion, and even murder. It’s true. Thanks to a 1973 SCOTUS decision, unions can use racketeering methods to further their agenda, free from arrest and prosecution.
In the United States, unions can engage in vandalism, extortion, and even outright violence including murder. And it’s 100% legal. In 1973, the US Supreme Court ruled on a case named United States v Emmons. that unions can engage in all of these activities, as long as it’s to further a legitimate union cause. A bill was offered in 1995 to end the practice but it failed. It’s been offered every year since but the union backed democrats have killed the legislation every year. If anyone in America but unions would commit these acts, they would be subject to some of the toughest laws ever enacted, the RICO Statute. (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) The RICO Act allows law enforcement to charge people who order these illegal acts to be committed, to face prosecution. Unless you are a union of course.