
UN infects 700k Haitians with Cholera…Claims immunity from Wrongdoing


Haitians are suing the UN over their bringing cholera to the tiny island nation through UN peacekeepers from Nepal.  So far, 700,000 Haitians have contracted cholera, with 8,500 deaths.  The UN claims it has immunity from prosecution.  Prior to the UN bringing in the Napalese peacekeepers, cholera was nonexistent in Haiti.  DNA samples taken fro victims in Haiti prove that the strain is almost identical to the strain found in Nepal.

The suit will be filed in Manhattan on Wednesday despite a long standing policy of immunity against the UN wrongdoing by the UN.  Plaintiff Felicia Paule, 45, who survived cholera but losr her daughter, brother, and nephew to the disease said, “They have to help us because there are so many kids that are orphans now, that lost their mom, that lost their dads.  They’re responsible, so they have to help.”

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