Some brainiac decided he would conceal his handgun – wait for it – inside a raw chicken when he boarded an airplane. It gives new meaning to the term “stuffed bird.” The TSA Instagram post revealed a rare sense of humor over the find of a firearm in the cavity of a raw chicken. A raw chicken. Someone had a weird plan that failed miserably.
There’s a personal fowl here…
The plot chickens as we barrel our way closer to Thanksgiving. For us, it’s a time to be thankful that our officers are always working around the cluck to keep you safe. Take for instance this “hen you believe it?” find at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. We hate to beak it to you here, but stuffing a firearm in your holiday bird for travel is just a baste of time. This idea wasn’t even half-baked; it was raw, greasy, and obviously unsupervised. The only roast happening here is this poor packing choice!
Feather you like it or not, there are rules for traveling with guns and ammunition. So, don’t wing it; roost over the proper packaging info through the link in our bio.
#RawChicken #Chicken #Concealed #AirportSecurity TSA on Instagram
After the initial “ew” reaction, we have to ask who the brainiac was that came up with this idea? A raw chicken wouldn’t shield a firearm from detection. Did this person think that this plan would survive the metal detectors because it was a “free range” chicken? Wrong kind of range and wrong-headed idea.
The TSA rarely has a sense of humor about firearms, by the way. They have specific rules for flying with one and they don’t include raw chickens. No one in their right mind flies with a raw chicken in the first place. But screwing around with the TSAs rules is a great way to get banned from a flight, so a good rule of thumb is to pay attention to them.
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