Tough as nails Trump goes after the Muslim Brotherhood

Wasting no time, President-elect Donald Trump stays the course with his campaign promises to crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood. He’s calling ’em like he sees ’em and he sees the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Oh boy! This is gonna frost the cookies of the liberal progressive left for sure.
Following the channels of the Constitution, he plans to work through Congress to pass legislation. Hopefully, legislation that will stick with his motto to return this nation to a “nation of laws.”
WND reports: President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to jumpstart a bill in Congress that would ban the Muslim Brotherhood by declaring it a terrorist organization.
Trump foreign-policy adviser Walid Pheres told Egyptian news outlet Youm7 that the legislation, introduced a year ago by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was held up due to the Obama administration’s support of the group. But Trump plans to back the bill.
Cruz’s bill, the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2015-16, identifies the Brotherhood and three of its offshoots, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations and Islamic Society of North America, as a terrorist organization.
The Brotherhood is already banned as a subversive organization in Russia and at least five Arab countries, including Syria, Saudi Arabia and its home base of Egypt. And the Brotherhood’s self-avowed “Palestine” branch – Hamas – was added to the U.S. State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations in 1997.
It won’t be all smooth sailing. While the American people gave Trump a mandate to clean up the mess generated by eight years of Obama and his cabinet with ties to the Brotherhood, there is still a huge Muslim sympathy within the main stream media and the left.
Christian said the Brotherhood is not just tied into the Democratic Party. It has operatives who have expertise in infiltrating each of the two parties. While the Abedins and the Sabras may be on their way out, a whole new set of Brotherhood faces will be preparing to pounce on Capitol Hill who speak the language of conservative Republicans.
“You are talking about not just an organization. You are talking about a cancer that was implanted into the U.S. government more than a decade ago,” said Christian, who was Muhammad Abdullah before he converted to Christianity and changed his name.
“And the cancer has been expanding ever since. With the election of Trump, you are talking about winning against the Bushes, the Obamas and the Clintons,” he said. “When it comes to Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood, they are all on the same page. So you go back to 1996 and see how that cancer was implanted. To start changing the tide, you have to find and introduce the real progressive Muslims to be working with the government, and that is going to be a very tough job.
“But it can be done with the will we have seen from Donald Trump.”
It will take a strong political will because any American talking about the Muslim Brotherhood as a subversive group that needs to be eliminated from the government is automatically going to be painted as an “Islamophobe” by CAIR and the other Brotherhood spinoffs. And they will have their lackeys in the media to parrot their charges of “Islamophobia.”
“Because that is their last line of defense,” Christian said. “The Brotherhood wants to nominate themselves as the only Muslims out there in America, and they are not.”
Get the popcorn ready folks. It’s gonna be quite a show. Trump against the Brotherhood. Sparks are sure to fly. Something tells me though, that with the support Trump received during the election, he won’t be alone in his fight against terrorists.
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