
Top policy expert: Biden is betraying Israel +

Biden Doxxed Delta Force In Attempt to Get Them Killed

WHEN it comes to Dementia/Crooked/China Joe, nothing is as it seems. Nothing.

AS such, regardless of any soothing words, that is, aligning with Israel against Islam’s jihadi barbarians, don’t take his sweet-nothings to the bank. Mind you, the hardware coming into Israel (that which fattens US defense contractors too), as well as the armada amassing in the Mediterranean, are a double-edged sword — much of which is meant to stay Israel’s hand, or else.


HINT: despite every puppetered promise, nary a word was uttered re Iran’s Terrorist Mastermind Mullahs! Even more so, a mere few weeks before HAMAS’ genocidal attack, billions were “ransomed” to the chief sponsors of terrorism in the world! More than telling.

IN reality, the aforementioned (plus so much more) is demonstrative as to where Obama 3.0, the puppet-masters — in tandem with their far-left allies  — allegiance truly lies. Ipso facto, but for the in-your-face, genocidal onslaught by HAMAS and hydra offshoots, where it became impossible to ignore their barbarism — a calculated electoral strategy led all of the so-called support for Israel.

EFFECTIVELY, Israel, the nemesis of the regime in Washington — will end up burying the party for decades to come, that is, if they turn their backs on the only reliable ally in the cesspool of the Middle East. Naturally, the exception herein hails via their far-left comrades and their attendant jihadi supporters. On the other hand, no doubt, average Democrat voters would see any open abandonment as their casus belli, their ultimate excuse, to jump ship!

WITH the above in the forefront, and coupled with the following whys and wherefores,

let’s head here….with all due, deliberate speed. Urgency!

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WND | By Bob Unruh | October 19, 2023

Claims U.S. president is acting as a ‘human shield’ for Hamas

A renowned commentator on Israel and Jewish affairs, Caroline Glick, has launched a warning to Israel that America, through the Joe Biden administration, is no longer a friend.

In fact, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was sent to Israel following the recent terror attacks by Hamas, which killed hundreds and hundreds of civilians, sometimes by burning families alive, other times by beheading babies, for a nefarious reason, she explains.

Glick explains that Israel’s newest threat is from the Biden administration itself.

She cited sources who told her of Blinken’s threat to withhold supplies, and his demands of a channel to “resupply” Gaza, or, in fact, Hamas, which controls Gaza.

“Tony Blinken wasn’t trying to help Israel at all,” she said. Instead, he was demanding those “resupply” lines.

Glick explained, in a contemporaneous commentary at JNS.com, where she is a senior contributing editor and host of the “Caroline Glick Show,” the issue of “humanitarian aid” for Gaza.

“The implications of this position are devastating for Israel. According to reports, there are ‘hundreds of trucks’ lined up on the border in Egypt to enter the Gaza Strip carrying so-called ‘humanitarian aid.’ These trucks, if permitted to enter, will not be inspected in any significant way. There is no reason to believe they are carrying baby formula and foodstuffs that will be delivered to the needy. There is every reason to believe they are carrying war materiel and jihadist fighters who have arrived to augment Hamas,” she explained.

“To the extent that there is food in the trucks, who will it feed? The hostages? The infirm? Who will the medicine be delivered to? The hostages? Will the fuel in the trucks be used in refrigerators to feed the captive Israelis? Of course not.”

She noted that all of the “ministries” in Gaza are, in fact, Hamas itself.

“So whatever and whoever is in the trucks carrying ‘humanitarian aid,’ all of it will be delivered to Hamas and will be distributed to benefit Hamas,” she wrote.

INCONTESTABLY, accordingly.

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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