This story was originally published by the WND News Center.
Before fake news became a pandemic of mainstream media, the disease was fairly isolated to the National Inquirer – a newspaper noted for luring readers with outrageous headlines and fake news. But, unlike today’s media, the Inquirer at least made its fake news obvious with headlines such as, “Severed Leg Hops to Hospital” and “Titanic Survivors Found Onboard.”
While the line between fake news and truth today is indiscernible to the public, some members of the television media are infamous for clouding that line with the toxic waste of racial hatred, unconcerned about its impact.
Foremost among these media malcontents are a despicable duo of television hosts, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and CNN’s Don Lemon. They are black race hustlers who, on numerous occasions, take racially inconsequential news stories and pervert them into ones of racial consequence.
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Recently, Reid lashed out at Tesla founder Elon Musk after he used the term “Karen.” It all started due to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., tweeting, “Let’s change the rigged tax code so [Musk] will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else.” In his response back, Musk addressed Warren as “Senator Karen,” also noting he will be paying more taxes for 2021 than any American in history.
For those unfamiliar with the term, “Karen” is pejorative slang for “an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.” How then does a reference by a white man, applying a term about a white woman, targeting another white woman qualify as racist? Reid reached down deep into her bag of racist spins to plant the pearl of an idea Musk was racist for daring to use the term Karen. Rationalizing that the term is a black-community creation, Reid argued its use was for that community alone, thus charging Musk with “misappropriating black vernacular.”
Apparently, Reid fails to see the irony of hosting her program, “The Reid Out,” on television – the invention of a white man’s work product, which, according to her logic, suggests usage be limited to the white community alone. Reid undoubtedly enjoys the benefits of numerous other inventions produced by white minds, which she should also avoid using lest she too be guilty of such misappropriation. However, as a society, we do not work the one-way/Reid way; whether a product invention or word creation, usage is not limited to the community of the originator’s race but for common usage by all.
Another race-baiting comment Reid previously offered up that would challenge the Inquirer for most outrageous made, while offering no supporting evidence, is the allegation red states keep black people alive for the sole reason of cooking white people’s steaks. Who knows, perhaps this explains the recent guidance issued by President Joe Biden giving blacks a racial priority in the administration of COVID drugs.
Conservatives are often targeted by Reid’s fake-news attacks. She falsely alleged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was involved in a sex-trafficking ring. In an absurd attack against Fox News, she claimed, as the most vaccinated company in America, it was telling vaccine lies and thus seeking to “let their viewers and their fans die,” causing a viewer to query whether she was on “crazy pills.”
Reid’s claims have been so outrageous, even other liberals have reminded her that truth matters.
After the alleged attack on Jussie Smollett by Donald Trump supporters, Reid was among the first to jump onboard the condemnation bandwagon. She immediately tweeted, “Nooses never really disappeared as messages of a very specific kind of terror, but every time they’re used, my god, it’s chilling. …” Obviously, after the attack was proven a hoax, she said nothing.
This is unsurprising as Reid herself was guilty of a similar hate crime allegation hoax. Not until after she started hosting her show was it discovered Reid had written a number of hateful blogs toward gays years earlier. She disavowed doing so, claiming she was a hate-crime victim of hackers, never providing proof as forensic specialists found none.
Apparently rooting from the same anti-white ideological tree as Reid is Don Lemon. A liberal narcissistic news superstar, Lemon claims, “Everything I say, every single night, is based in fact.” His “right” opinions are outrageously slanted to the left. In explaining himself further, Lemon sounds more like a top graduate of the Joe Biden school of communications, claiming, “I’m not an opinion host. I give my point of view.”
Nothing is more revealing about Lemon’s holier-than-thou attitude toward racism than an October 2018 rant he delivered. After acknowledging no one should be demonized due to race, he says we need to “realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right.” So much for his assertion “everything I say … is based in fact.” How Lemon determined this supposedly factual nugget remains a mystery.
Consuming alcohol has a tendency to loosen lips – as a tipsy Lemon revealed on New Year’s Eve. He claimed he labels his critics as racist as they see him as a uniquely successful black man, apparently dismissing every other successful black man who has lived.
But Lemon currently stands on thin ice concerning his CNN employment. He is accused of the same actions that got his ideological white brother Chris Cuomo terminated. Just like Cuomo discredited himself by acting to undermine sexual harassment claims against his brother – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo – it has been learned Lemon tipped off Smollett, advising him police believed his allegations were a hoax, leading to Smollett’s refusal to turn his phone over to them. CNN Cuomo was also hit with sexual harassment claims and now we know, so has Lemon. Firing Cuomo without squeezing Lemon out leaves CNN in a difficult situation – a network experiencing karma, after having little regard for truth, now getting hit with it.
Whether due to poor ratings, a lack of integrity or acts of sexual harassment, liberal commentators may be dropping like flies this year. Last year it Chris Cuomo; Reid is now on the chopping block to lose her show; and Lemon may well suffer termination as sexual-harassment accountability draws closer.
We can only hope the departure of all three rids us of a significant stench emanating from the fake-news racist cesspool.
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