
The Survey Says: Majority believes rights ‘under siege’

An overwhelming majority of Americans responding to a Harris Poll/Purple Project survey “think their rights are under siege,” USA Today reported.

Impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump are helping keep America divided.

Ninety-two percent of survey respondents believe their rights are in jeopardy, with 48 percent worried about their First Amendment right of free speech and 47 percent concerned about their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The survey was taken among 2,200 people nationwide.

According to Newsmax, the things people fear most about losing are freedom of speech, freedom of expression and equal justice.

The survey was reported earlier this week, on the eve of the House impeachment fireworks. USA Today quoted John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll/Purple Project, “When you frame something as a threat, it creates a bit of a political response, and it creates division and encampments of special interest.”

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Currently, there appears to be something of a socio-political revolt underway with counties in Virginia declaring themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” and sheriffs in several states vowing not to enforce any new gun control laws. There’s an effort in Washington State to recall Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and an on-line petition to “impeach” both Ferguson and Gov. Jay Inslee over proposed gun control laws. Public officials are not impeached in Washington, but they may be recalled by public vote.

Social media has seen discussions lately about a second “civil war” with the hint that Virginia, with its turmoil over gun control being ground zero.

Several days earlier, USA Today had reported on another survey that revealed the thing most people are united about is their frustration with divisive politics.

“By overwhelming margins,” USA Today reported, “those surveyed said national leaders, social media and the news media have exacerbated and exaggerated those divisions, sometimes for their own benefit and to the detriment of ordinary people.”

The newspaper said more than 9 or every ten persons stressed the importance of unity in this country, through with the impeachment proceedings on Capitol Hill, that may not be an easy thing to accomplish.


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