
The Survey Says: Dems want ‘fresh face’ for 2020 campaign

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s faithful have been dropping hints for weeks that she may be considering another White House run in 2020, but a new Rasmussen survey released Tuesday was full of bad news for the former Secretary of State: Dems want a fresh face in the race.

According to Rasmussen, a whopping 73 percent of likely Democratic voters “believe their party should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2020.”

A new Rasmussen survey revealed Tuesday that a majority of Democrats want a fresh face as their 2020 presidential nominee. (Screen snip, C-SPAN, YouTube)

If there’s anything that can be said about Clinton, and about Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden – whose name has also been tossed around as a possible contender – they do not have “fresh faces.” A lot of wrinkles cover those landscapes, and they’re not likely to go away in the next year. The presidential campaign will probably get underway sometime in 2019.

The Rasmussen poll also showed that among “all likely voters,” 65 percent say Democrats need somebody new to carry their flag. Fifty-eight percent of those same voters think Clinton “has been bad for the Democratic Party” while only 22 percent think she has been good for Democrats.

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Only 16 percent of identified Democrats think the party should stick with someone who has been a candidate in the past.

Perhaps not coincidentally, a few days ago Town Hall also discussed the 2020 campaign, and it was not kind to any of the other potential standard-bearers who will be up against President Donald Trump. While his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin is drawing criticism from across the political spectrum, Trump has a way of rebounding, as any previous president has also experienced. Politics is a fickle game, up one day, down the next, and back up the day after that.

The Hill carried a story suggesting that Bill Clinton’s ex-attorney would caution Hillary against running again. For her, there does not appear to be any likelihood of a “third time is a charm” occurrence.

Rasmussen’s survey was conducted July 11-12 among 1,000 likely voters, among whom were lots of women. And there was tough news for Clinton even in that subset. According to Rasmussen, “Women believe even more strongly than men that Democrats need to find a fresh face for 2020. There’s little difference of opinion on this question among voters of all ages.”

As for Sanders, who was up against a stacked deck considering revelations since the 2016 election, Rasmussen had even worse news. Only 20 percent of survey respondents in a poll done last November supported him.

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