The “Stephen Miller vs the Press” kerfuffle

As the entire Internet knows by now, White House aide Stephen Miller ended up in a heated debate with CNN’s Jim Acosta over a measure that reforms legal immigration into the country. Here’s some reaction to the dust-up from across the web.
Earlier Thursday, Rush Limbaugh opined that these reporters are the products of a poor education system. Indeed.
Per Rich Lowry: Stephen Miller TKOs Jim Acosta:
“When Donald Trump’s policy adviser Stephen Miller stepped to the podium of the White House briefing room on Wednesday to defend a plan for reducing levels of legal immigration, Jim Acosta of CNN was aghast and let everyone know it.
“Put aside that Acosta believed it was his role as a reporter to argue one side of a hot-button political issue (this is how journalism works in 2017). The exchange illustrated how advocates of high levels of immigration are often the ones who— despite their self-image as the rational bulwark against runaway populism—rely on an ignorant emotionalism to make their case.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history? “Stephen Miller Jabs Back at NYT Reporter: About Time We Had Compassion for American Workers“
. . . “Miller stated that it is common sense that some companies want to bring in more unskilled labor “because they know that it drives down wages and reduces labor cost.” He said the question to the government is rather, “To whom is our duty?” He answered his own question, “Our duty is to U.S. citizens and U.S. workers to promote rising wages for them.”
“If low-skilled immigration was an unalloyed good for the economy then why have we been growing at 1.5 percent for the last 17 years at a time of unprecedented new low wage arrivals? It’s just, the facts speak for themselves,” said Miller. He then said having ultra-high skilled workers at the back of the line makes no sense in 2017.” . . .
PJMedia: “Immigration: How Trump Derangement Syndrome Dumbs Down the Press”
“I was asking myself that while listening to the stupefying question asked of Trump adviser Stephen Miller by CNN’s Jim Acosta at Wednesday’s White House press conference. Miller had been explaining — with a level of clarity and specificity not often seen at these events — the immigration proposal being proffered by Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue and now being backed by the president. The press audience appeared impatient with these details, however, waiting to pounce as it almost always does.” . . .
Andrea Mitchell: White House aide ‘rude’ in exchange with CNN reporter
(Editor’s note: Right — it was Miller who was rude, not Acosta… Please…)
From Beat the Press
“MILLER: Maybe we will make a carve-out in the bill that says “The New York Times” can hire all the low-skilled, less paid workers they want from other countries, and see how you feel then about low-wage substitution.” . . .
From Legal Insurrection: CNN’s Jim Acosta argues immigration policy at White House briefing, gets schooled
“Stephen Miller teaches ‘journalist”’ Acosta about history”
“We all know that CNN’s Jim Acosta enjoys playing the role as an activist instead of a journalist, anything to bring attention to himself. He attempted to do just that on Wednesday, but fell flat on his face and made a fool of himself and his employer.
“President Donald Trump’s policy advisor Stephen Miller attended the White House press briefing to explain the RAISE act, an immigration policy, that Trump endorsed Wednesday morning.
“Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) developed the plan and Trump explainedthat the “application process will favor applicants who can speak English, financially support themselves and their families and demonstrate skills that will contribute to our economy.”
“Acosta tried to debate Miller on the English speaking part of the RAISE act and failed miserably.” . . .
Here’s video of the exchange:
Power Line comments: Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Spars With CNN’s Acosta Over Immigration
“Miller pointed out that English is already a requirement of naturalization.” . . .
“Do you really at CNN not know the difference between green card policy and illegal immigration?” he asked.”
“Acosta is known for his sometimes adversarial relationship with the White House, including new White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders” . . .
And from Redstate: Jim Acosta Was Wrong To Claim Only British And Australian Immigrants Speak English
“Jim Acosta embarrassed himself badly confronting Stephen Miller on camera yesterday. I thought the interchange was beneficial to the Trump administration and to opponents of illegal immigration everywhere. Rather than having a buffoon repeatedly sending whiny tweets about #FAKENEWS!! every day, or sending out petulant dwarves to tell blatant falsehoods, why not send someone out like Miller — who actually knows what he is talking about, and backs up his argument with facts and logic rather than lies and empty bravado?” . . .
Needless to say, Acosta didn’t do himself or his network, which is now seen by many as the least-trusted name in cable news, any favors…
H/T: Tunnelwall
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