The CNP and How You Became an Enemy of the State.

Nearly every Conservative media outlet has sounded the alarm since the Capitol riot on January 6th – the left/Democrats/legacy media have targeted Republicans and Trump supporters as ”insurrectionists.” Pro-life, pro-Israel supporters are labelled “extremists” or ”hate groups” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, The Guardian, and other media. The CNP- Council on National Policy – has been targeted as rubbing elbows with extremists because of a list of members that was released to the leftist press. Their member list has been published previously as far back as 2018, which means that it’s not as ”secret” as it’s purported to be. The organization was founded in 1981.
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.“
Joseph Goebbels
In an article today in the left wing publication The Guardian, the lie is being spread that the CNP – Council for National Policy – is a group where the wealthy Republicans “rub shoulders with extremists.” The definition of extremists isn’t Antifa that burn down cities, or Islamic terrorists that blow up people and occupied buildings, it’s numerous Christian leaders, and people who have spoken out about the violence in Islamic doctrine, or those who oppose murdering babies in the womb. As Goebbels said, if you repeat a lie long enough, you’ll start to believe it.
The author of the article, Jason Wilson, bases his information on a leaked list of the CNP membership, and the SPLC – a disgraced leftist organization that takes money from Soros and labels anyone they disagree with as either a hate group or an anti-government group.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors rightwing hate groups, describes the CNP as “a shadowy and intensely secretive group [which] has operated behind the scenes” in its efforts to “build the conservative movement”.
The leaked membership list dates from September last year, and reveals the 40-year-old CNP put influential Trump administration figures alongside leaders of organizations that have been categorized as hate groups…
In videos obtained by the Washington Post in 2020, the CNP executive committee chairman, Bill Walton, told attendees of the upcoming election: “This is a spiritual battle we are in. This is good versus evil.”…
Heidi Beirich, of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, said in an email that “this new CNP list makes clear that the group still serves as a key venue where mainstream conservatives and extremists mix”, adding that CNP “clearly remains a critical nexus for mainstreaming extremism from the far right into conservative circles”.
Because the 220 page list of membership in the CNP was leaked to the left wing press, now the emails, phone numbers, and names of CNP members is now public, when it was previously protected information.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
No opposing views allowed
What’s coming with this narrative is not going to be pretty. Conservatives – let’s call us people who love freedom – have already experienced discrimination based on those who refuse the vaccine, or oppose lockdowns or the egregious actions of the Biden administration with regard to open borders, energy depletion, the military, healthcare mandates, the economy, and others. The propaganda pushed by the left is intended to vilify everyone who disagrees with their belief structure. It’s how Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels controlled the press in the 1930s and early 40s. It’s how the left is controlling the press now.
Those of us who still espouse views that are contradictory with the left are targeted even more strongly now. With a vastly corrupt FBI, DOJ and other alphabet soup agencies, don’t be surprised if your beliefs will cause a no knock surprise at your door in the near future.
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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