The Biden Administration has pushed a regulatory tsunami, and it will cost Americans millions of dollars. The administration plans to initiate new rules that require automobiles to “increase the energy efficiency” of cars to 58 miles per gallon. All of that sounds well and good, but it will make the price of a gas-powered car more expensive. It’s part of the push to force people into electric vehicles by 2032. And that’s not the only mess that is being proposed.
The Biden administration on Friday proposed a new rule to increase energy efficiency standards in new passenger and heavy-duty vehicles, potentially saving Americans more than $50 billion at the pump.
If finalized, the rule would set a 2% per year increase in fuel efficiency for passenger cars and a 4% per year increase in light trucks beginning in model year 2027 and running through 2032, according to a release from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The rule also would require a 10% per year improvement for certain commercial pickup trucks and work vans beginning with model year 2030 and running through 2035. UPI
So let’s add this all up: higher priced cars and trucks; higher priced stoves, higher priced air conditioners, higher priced dishwashers, higher priced hot water heaters, furnaces, washers and dryers, etc., there’s no end in sight. Americans with millions won’t even blink- the rest of the nation will fall further behind in their finances. All of this puts a severe drain on the power grid as well. We’ll be back in the dark ages sooner than you thought when all the power goes out from trying to charge your EV.
By the way, another ship carrying EVs burned up the other day – the Freemantle Highway. They said the fire was caused by one of those lithium-ion batteries. The crew had to be rescued, and one died. There were 3,783 cars on board, and 498 of them were EVs. The Biden greenies aren’t listening to common sense (and neither are a few of the states who have bought into this agenda – like California and Washington for example).
The regulatory tsunami that the Biden administration has foisted upon us is a giant-sized continuation of Obama’s massive regulations. Trump pulled the plug on most of them, but Biden has gone crazy adding more. It is literally a regulatory tsunami that is designed to take us down. What will you do about it?
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