Thanks Harry Reid: Liberals on Twitter want women and children at Bundy ranch killed with drones
After the Bureau of Land Management ceased their cattle-confiscation operations against the Bundy ranch in Nevada, a number of liberals expressed disappointment and anger, apparently saddened by the lack of bloodshed meted out by federal agents.
Now, some have taken to Twitter, calling for drone strikes against the Bundy ranch, despite the fact that such a strike would kill innocent women and children:
If ever there was a time for a drone strike, I'd say Bundy's self-appointed militia should've been turned into paste on the prairie. #tcot
— GOP❤️’s??more than?? (@VegasJessie) April 21, 2014
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Turns out Uncle Sam is a person too and one that has a right to bear bigger arms than #Bundy does. Drone time. #UncleSamIsTheMan
— Leve Stawson ??? (@songsteve) April 19, 2014
@BostonSnob If you really want to make me purr, show me gun cam footage of the Bundy ranch drone strike.
— FTJ (@fairytalejedi) April 18, 2014
Anybody else kinda wish we had a drone over Bundy Welfare Cowboy Ranch?
— MeetingOfMinds (@KalleeMerra) April 18, 2014
Kinda late on this, but I fully support a drone strike on Cliven Bundy.
— Andy Given (@itzagiven) April 19, 2014
This is only a sample of the tweets discovered by Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson, and yes, this is most likely due to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s irresponsible rhetoric calling Bundy supporters “domestic terrorists.”
Reid’s rhetoric earned him what Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars called the “2014 Jenny Award Trophy for Incitement to Civil War.”
In February 2011, this writer first put forward the notion that liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of rage and hate. Since then, liberals have routinely called for Republicans and conservatives to be killed, proving the original assertion practically every day.
Now it seems that some, whipped into a bloodthirsty rage by Dingy Harry, want the Bundys and their supporters killed.
- Does Harry Reid want the Bundy family and their supporters killed?
- Conservative blogger: Harry Reid inciting bloody civil war over Bundy ranch
- Do liberals really want a second civil war in America?
- Liberal hatemongers mad BLM didn’t attack Bundy ranch
- Harry Reid: Bundy supporters ‘domestic terrorists,’ hints at federal task force
- Charlie Daniels: Harry Reid should be in jail for ‘impersonating an American’