
Terror Attack? Van Rams into 8-10 Pedestrians in Toronto, Canada, Multiple Fatalities

screenshot of Twitter photo showing the scene in Toronto

At around 1:30 p.m. local time, a white van rammed into 8-10 pedestrians in Toronto, Canada on Monday, then the driver fled the scene. Police Spokeswoman Meaghan Gray stated that the van jumped the curb, but they don’t “know why.” Some local media are reporting at least 5 deaths, with multiple injured.  The driver is currently in custody.

Witnesses told the Toronto Star that the action appeared deliberate.

The Star reported,

One witness told the Star that there were three victims near Mel Lastman Square.

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One person on scene tweeted a photo of a white van on the sidewalk on Yonge, near Poyntz Ave., south of Sheppard Ave.

Police said both the van and the driver are in custody but don’t know the motive or cause of crash. On a video of the arrest that was posted on social media, the person arrested could be heard saying, “kill me.”

“Our hearts go out to anyone affected,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa.

“Obviously we’ll have more to say in the coming hours.”

People were tweeting photos of people with blood, lying on the sidewalk. One witness suggested the vehicle was a rental moving van.

Toronto Mayor John Tory issued a statement as he was on his way to receive an update:

The driver of the van was arrested, but his name has not yet been released.

toronto, canada
Screenshot of suspect being arrested via Twitter @ZDeDeKim

Another very poor photo was posted that showed the driver pointing something at police. Since police were able to place him in custody fairly quickly after he got out of the van, whether or not it was actually a gun is unclear.

Some of these folks look way more than just “injured” by a van/truck driver attack in #Toronto pic.twitter.com/lJM9SYt4ar

LATEST: Multiple people are dead as a result of a van hitting pedestrians in Toronto’s Yonge and Finch area Warning, graphic content. https://t.co/W0V6fNTanH pic.twitter.com/mIEcEqjuZ8

Police telling onlookers to move back from deceased victim, covered by blanket behind this police vehicle. Lots of people here shaken up by the scene. @globalnewsto pic.twitter.com/hNjqQFW6v3

People who were struck by what police call a white “Ryder” van are being treated along Yonge St. At least 8-10 people struck, @JeremyGlobalTV reports some have been pronounced dead on scene. pic.twitter.com/1kgQkQe5nV

There are bodies all over Yonge Street right now. pic.twitter.com/dABsJlTa5z

I’ve now walked up Yonge St from north of Sheppard to Finch. I have passed multiple dead bodies covered up, shoes and debris in the road. Witnesses tell me the white van appeared completely out of control. pic.twitter.com/JEWynlTmZq

Van used in alleged toronto terror incident pic.twitter.com/H85APoDgRL

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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