Teen tyrant David Hogg falsely claims Dana Loesch, NRA ‘working to destroy America for Russia’
On Monday, David Hogg, the foul-mouthed anti-gun teen demagogue dubbed the “king of the snowflakes” on Twitter, falsely claimed that the National Rifle Association (NRA) and spokeswoman Dana Loesch are “working to destroy America for Russia.”
“For those of us not working to destroy America for Russia like Dana and @nra that reads are you listening? The young people will win!” he declared on Twitter with tweets written in Russian script in an obvious effort to troll the NRA.
For those of us not working to destroy America for Russia like Dana and @nra that reads are you listening? The young people will win!
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) June 11, 2018
Naturally, his acolytes loved the tweet, but others weren’t impressed.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Wow, you need to work on your logic.
— Lief Albaugh (@LiefAlbaugh) June 12, 2018
That's a lot of stupid in one day even for you. False accusations and lack of facts will play to your base though.
— Carl Henningsen (@carl_henningsen) June 12, 2018
@davidhogg again remind me how many @NRA members have committed a mass shooting?????? ….
— The Skeptical Libertarian (@massholebill) June 11, 2018
Hogg was no doubt referencing a conspiracy theory cooked up by rabid anti-gun leftists that claims the NRA funneled Russian money to the Trump campaign.
And it’s not the first time Hogg has made false claims against the NRA and Loesch as we reported here, here and here.
On the same day Hogg issued this patently false claim, Dave Workman said, he addressed the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Boston, telling those assembled: “We can’t keep hosing the blood down our streets, repairing the shattered windows and bullet-riddled doors and burying our young because when we bury our young we bury our future.”
Debbie Kaminer, professor in the Department of Law at the Ziclin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York, took Hogg to task, Workman added:
“Hogg’s position is not that the young people will lead, or reinvigorate the gun control debate but rather they will win — and this presumably means that older people will lose. It is one thing to say that youth have an important and unique role to play in the gun control debate and quite another to frame gun control as an intergenerational conflict. Rhetoric matters in building a movement.”
So far, all we’ve seen from Hogg are smears and demands. And it doesn’t appear that will change any time soon.
- Attention Hogg: Mayors’ Conference hosts teen gun grabber
- Pro-Gun Kent State Girl Challenges Gun Control Activist David Hogg to Arm Wrestling Match For Gun Rights
- Teen tyrant David Hogg: Let’s spray paint graduation caps orange for gun control!
- Teen tyrant David Hogg claims NRA members ‘have bought more guns out of an irrational fear of us’
- Say what? Teen tyrant David Hogg suggests only certain people should be allowed to live
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