
Tampa – Registered Democrat Loses It Over Online Political Argument – Shoots Other Person

Tampa, Florida – Registered Democrat Brian Sebring, 44, and Alex Stephens, 46, had a major political disagreement on Facebook. Unfortunately, both live in Tampa, Florida, just two miles from each other. The Democrat allegedly armed up with an AR-15 and a Glock, drove over to Stephens’ home on Monday night and shot him in the butt and thighs. Brilliant way of handling a Facebook argument.

Yes, you read that right, a Democrat armed up with an AR-15 and Glock. Will wonders never cease.

Brian Sebring

Sebring was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed firearm.

It is unclear what the exact nature of the argument was about, but Sebring’s Facebook page was full of political posts, according to the Daily Mail. Here are a couple of examples:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The Tampa Bay Times reported,

“After receiving several explicit messages and threats, the defendant responded to the victim’s home to confront him reference the messages,” a police account said.

When Sebring arrived — wearing the Glock in a holster on his waistband — he honked his horn and waited by his truck for Stephens to appear.

Stephens came out of the home and charged toward Sebring, police said, and that’s when Sebring fired two shots with the Glock.

“The victim ran away and the defendant fled the scene,” police said.

Stephens was taken to Tampa Bay General Hospital. Both he and Sebring went to the same high school in Tampa, although in different years. Stephens is a felon, according to all the news accounts, but the fact is that Sebring chose to take weapons to settle the argument and Stephens had none to take.

Sebring turned himself in and was arrested. He was held in the Hillsborough County Jail on a bail of $9,500. Sebring is a registered Democrat, and father of two, and a pizza delivery driver. He also follows Barack Obama on Twitter.

Here are a couple of the comments on the Tampa Bay Page:

“Alex is the victim. Brian intended on going after him. The article kind of down played things. Several of us were able to see this whole thing erupt from start to finish. Brian made lots of threats. He then went to Alex’s home and when Alex came out, Brian opened fire. Alex was shot actually 3 times. 
Brain went back on social media bragging about shooting him. 
We all saw it and took screen shots for Alex incase it was needed. Brian is not the victim at all. Brian’s wife made up a story that they were being stalked. That’s why this had to happen. 0 truth to it.” Shonia


“Sebring is a registered Democrat who follows Barack Obama on Twitter.
Jail records state that he is a delivery driver for a pizza company. His Twitter account describes him as a married father of two.”

In other words a poster child for the liberal Dimocrat [sic] party!!!!!”  Martin

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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