
South Korea’s Two Hours of Chaos After Martial Law

South Korean President to be facing impeachment.

South Korea was a fairly stable Democracy for at least 50 years. That is, until their President, Yoon Suk Yeol, suddenly declared martial law in the country on December 3, 2024. The next two hours were pure chaos. Members of Parliament (MPs) had to break into the Parliament building past the military in order to vote to undo the strange action.

One woman made news by grabbing the end of a soldier’s weapon at great risk to herself. The chaos that ensued after his declaration was crazy. The Opposition leader in Parliament livestreamed himself climbing over a wall.

Less than two hours after his declaration, MPs forced their way into the National Assembly and voted to block his decision – some broke through barricades; the parliament’s speaker told the BBC he climbed over a wall…  And a woman who stood before a soldier and grabbed his gun in parliament last night has told the BBC why she did it. (BBC)

Did Yoon Suk Yeol suddenly lose his mind by declaring martial law?

After backlash from the martial law declaration, Yoon Suk Yeol rescinded his action. But the damage to this democracy was done: the legislature entertained an impeachment resolution – the result of which could remove Yoon from the Presidency. The Defense Minister, Kim Yong-hyun, stepped down, saying the responsibility for the martial law was his. The gesture may not solve anything after the chaos from the declaration.

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At around 1 a.m. local time, the Assembly voted unanimously against martial law. Shortly thereafter, Yoon announced he had lifted the martial law declaration.

At press time, Yoon has not explained his decision to impose martial law or his decision to withdraw the dramatic measure. Aides postponed Yoon’s first scheduled public appearances on Wednesday, leaving unclear when he would address the country next.

In Yoon’s absence, the Democrats and the ruling People Power Party (PPP) – Yoon’s own party – are demanding answers. The Democrats announced early on Wednesday they would pursue the president’s impeachment and removal as soon as possible. They formally filed an impeachment motion later on Wednesday alongside five other minority parties.

“Yoon’s declaration of martial law is a clear violation of the Constitution,” the Democrats wrote in a resolution seeking his impeachment, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap. “This is a serious act of rebellion and a perfect reason for impeachment.” Breitbart

Analysts said that Yoon likely pursued the martial law declaration due to pressure at him coming from various scandals. Yoon himself tried to claim it was due to North Korean communist infiltration.

Think about this: if any American President were to declare martial law based upon fear of the opposition, or “communist infiltration,” he or she would be laughed out of office. Our military has been compromised by Communists. Our government, our schools have been infiltrated by Marxists (Communists) for decades. Facing opposition is required of all leadership regardless of the nation they represent. Mr. Yoon failed spectacularly.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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