
Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea, Cough Syrup = ‘Purple Drank’ Or ‘Lean’

skittlesTrayvon Martin was NO ‘sweet child’…and this is but one piece of evidence NOT allowed into evidence by the biased Judge Nelson.

Skittles and iced tea = Purple Drank. Skittles and ice tea also makes something called “LEAN” which is a street way of getting high.

juices-arizona-watermelon-tea-1People go to the ER all the time asking for the cough syrup Promethiazine and they get it, go home, and make this stuff. Since you can’t buy Sudaphed off the shelf people (dopers) are using their Medicaid cards to obtain the ingredients to make drugs, and remember both the Skittles and the iced tea were UNOPENED when the police arrived on the scene.

That’s why ‘the sweet child’ (gag) didn’t want Zimmerman following him to where he was supposedly staying.

The kid was a doper plain and simple…remember the pics of the pot plants and him blowing joint smoke on his cell phone and that he was suspended from school for dope. His dope use should have been allowed into evidence, especially since TCP was found in his system at autopsy.

The fix was in against George Zimmerman from day one…major grounds for appeal if he is found guilty of anything.

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