Our current so-called President is totally oblivious to his own purveyance of falsehoods. He must believe like Goebbels that if you tell the same b.s. over and over again, someone will believe it over and above fact-checkers who say it’s not truthful. He is a serial liar– it has become a national security issue.
A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth. Josef Goebbles
Take the case of Biden’s Amtrak lie, one that he has told at least 6 times since becoming president. And like his other stories, nothing adds up. Especially since he tells it differently numerous times. And never forget the kid who kept rubbing the hair on his legs story, or the inaccurate story about his own son who died on US soil- not in Iraq. Strong delusion lives in the White House.
“This is disturbing stuff… Biden’s Amtrak story, it’s like Large Marge in “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure.” Pee-wee goes in and mentions someone who had died 12 years ago. Everybody’s like, ‘”[What’s] wrong with this guy?” But in this case, he is the president of the United States. And it’s a shame on the other networks that they don’t highlight this because you know who does pay attention to this? Maybe left–wing media doesn’t, but our enemies do. People are watching our president who quits talking in the middle of a sentence because he’s done… And it’s only going to get worse.” Jimmy Failla, Fox Across the Nation
In a speech in Virginia on Thursday, Biden stated numerous items that even CNN couldn’t let go as truth. Some of them were “accurate,” but many were false, with the fact-checker stating that they were “wildly inaccurate.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Biden’s “700,000” figure is wildly inaccurate; it adds an extra two zeros to the correct figure Biden used in a speech last week and the White House has also used before: 7,000 projects. The White House acknowledged his misstatement later on Thursday by correcting the official transcript to say 7,000 rather than 700,000.
Biden’s claims that this cap is now in effect and that it came into effect on January 1 are false. The $2,000 annual cap contained in the Inflation Reduction Act that Biden signed last year – on Medicare Part D enrollees’ out-of-pocket spending on covered prescription drugs – takes effect in 2025. The maximum may be higher than $2,000 in subsequent years, since it is tied to Medicare Part D’s per capita costs…
Biden is free to criticize Trump’s vaccine rollout, but his “only 3.5 million” figure is misleading at best. As of the day Trump left office in January 2021, about 19 million people had received a first shot of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to figures published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The “3.5 million” figure Biden cited is, in reality, the number of people at the time who had received two shots to complete their primary vaccination series…
Biden’s “3%” claim is incorrect. For the second time in less than a week, Biden inaccurately described a 2021 finding from economists in his administration that the wealthiest 400 billionaire families paid an average of 8.2% of their income in federal individual income taxes between 2010 and 2018; after CNN inquired about Biden’s “3%” claim on Thursday, the White House published a corrected official transcript that uses “8%” instead. Also, it’s important to note that even that 8% number is contested, since it is an alternative calculation that includes unrealized capital gains that are not treated as taxable income under federal law. Daniel Dale, CNN
The House Ways and Means Committee also took him to task on his misleading and false statements.
“While Biden claimed the economy is growing strong, the latest report on economic growth reveals that the economy under his Administration’s policies has fallen short of expectations on seven out of the last eight economic growth reports,” the committee wrote. “In fact, the entirety of 2022 was worse for economic growth than expected. And even more trouble lies ahead, according to the latest Leading Economic Index report.” Fox
Does he believe his lies? In his current mental state, he likely does. IF this situation doesn’t change now, there will be horrific consequences by 2024. As Russia and China also watch American news, they see openings. When a 4 star general said we were likely going to be in a war with China over Taiwan by 2025 the other day, he said it because Biden continues to reveal weakness and lies. The left-wingers who run him may not understand what this means, but the rest of us do. We may not hit 2024 with butterflies and unicorns – we may be in a battle for our lives all because of a serial liar.
- Lying Demented Biden Claims Jan 6 Happened In July, Falsely Claims Capitol Police Officer William Evans Died From Threats By Rioters (Video)
- Is China Fast Tracking A Taiwan Takeover, Or Reacting To Biden Gaffes?
- Biden At SOTU: Putin Will ‘Never Gain The Hearts And Souls Of The Iranian People’ — And Other Gaffes (Video)
- Video of the Day: Montage of Joe Biden’s Gaffes, Lies and Accusations of Sexual Misconduct That Should Cost Him 2020 Election
- Biden Hands Xi Jinping ‘A Propaganda Victory’
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