
Second generation radicals – what fuels them? … How would Frank Kutnicki, of blessed memory, view them?

BEFORE Howard Rotberg’s latest tour de force, “Second Generation Radical: The World through One Man’s Second Generation Lens“, is presented below via a no holds barred Review by Dr. Mordechai Nisan, it is not for nothing that its basis cuts like a knife.

IN the main, it is a two-tiered ‘knifing’ — one of which is outlined below through a professional lens, while the other is entirely personal. But it is the personal one that resonates the most; for its pre-Purim timing and the deep connection to Frank Kutnicki, of blessed memory. For this reason, a heartfelt thank you to Howard Rotberg for all of the heavy-lifting (both research-wise, and, not to overlooked, the emotional drainage expended) for this direly needed work of scholarship.

HAVING passed away on Purim (16 years ago), Frank Kutnicki, of blessed memory (often referred to as a ‘gentle giant’ of a man), co-founded the first “Second Generation Club” in  northern New Jersey, Bergen County, in our home, in 1986. It became a ‘home away from home’ for a few dozen adult children — most of whom, finally, felt comfortable among peers who understood their unique childhoods, and, as a result, adult challenges.

ASIDE from the special bonds of friendship, they developed their own newsletter, and contributed first-hand research (that they conducted) to national and global Holocaust Archives. Most importantly, they recorded audio and video ‘living testimonies’ from parents who survived the hellish horrors of Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and too many others to cite. Interestingly, it is hard to recall one who was not an overachiever — determined to ‘be the best they could be’, that is, to ‘compensate’ for so many family members who perished, as well as to make their parents so very proud of their offspring. Moreover, to poke a finger in the eyes of the fuc*ers (what Frank Kutnicki, of blessed memory, called them….mind you, coming from a man who never cursed!) and their supporters who craved to wipe out world Jewry!

AS per the above referenced ‘knifings’; the professional lens.

MANY readers are aware of a consistent theme enveloping this author’s volume of scholarship; steeped within the mentally besieged mindset of Jewish radical leftists — not to be confused with yesteryear’s liberals.  Read herehere and here re three samplings among countless analyses. Know this: This knowledge base is an onerous burden to carry. Effectively, by recognizing, thus, by admitting, that said Jewish radicals set the anti-semitic stage, that is, by lending a shield and a cover for the fuel which keeps this incurable disease at a burning, hot temperature, well, a double crime is committed. Indeed, within the constructs and procedures of Criminal Law/Justice (this author’s initial discipline) in western countries, when judiciously applied, the aforementioned radicals are both materially and non-materially culpable. Aiding and abetting.

ONTO the promised tour de force…..

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

Second Generation Radical book cover

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | By Dr. Mordechai Nisan | March 21, 2024

“Second Generation” Jews are the children of survivors of the Holocaust. They must be especially alert to a possible impending Second Holocaust, see Iran as a mortal danger, the Palestinian Arabs as a lethal enemy, and the Europeans as perniciously pro-Palestinian.

“Second Generation” Jews are the children of survivors of the Holocaust. Much of the academic and other studies of Second Generation Jews focus on the issue of passing along aspects of trauma to children, but a new book by Arutz Sheva op-ed writer Howard Rotberg instead emphasizes the development of ideologies and how understanding of ideologies is key to the future of the next generations.

The book is quite unique in stressing that Second Generation Jews have an obligation to understand contemporary ideologies so as to avoid cultural relativism, wokeness, cancel culture, inclusive diversity, post modernism, pacifism, antisemitism and excessive toleration of the lslamist-Leftist-Globalist alliance that is distorting our traditional values.

As a part of the Second Generation himself, Rotberg has written the fourth and final in a series of books focusing on the current ideologies in vogue that make a second Holocaust possible.  The book is available at the book’s website which is www.howardrotberg.com. (Howard Rotberg, Second Generation Radical: The World through One Man’s Second Generation Lens, 229 pages, 2024.)

While Nietzsche contended that you must forget history in order to live, and Santayana believed you must remember history to avoid repeating errors, Howard Rotberg lives and breathes history to give voice to the past and prepare for the future.

Rotberg – Canadian lawyer, entrepreneur, author, and publisher – has dedicated himself to turn his family’s loss in the Holocaust into a national trust for the welfare of the Jewish people and the survival of Israel. His personal mission is to warn the Jews of a possible impending Second Holocaust, seeing Iran as a mortal danger, the Palestinian Arabs as a lethal enemy, and the Europeans as perniciously pro-Palestinian.

The BDS movement and the anti-Zionist Apartheid Week are themes of the progressive woke hate campaign. Virulent anti-Semitism – Jew-hatred – is the perennial vehicle mobilized in the war against the Jewish people.

A Leftist-Islamist-Globalist Alliance is the encompassing force of Evil in our world. Rotberg’s principled moral outlook recognizes the insidious, PC, moral equivalency – and mass Muslim immigration to the West. For him, Justin Trudeau ill serves Canada with his flagrant promotion of inclusive diversity that belies a virtue-signaling commitment to everything and everyone – which logically means commitment to nothing.

This defeatism opened the gates of civilization allowing the bully culture of Muslims to intimidate people in the streets, on college campuses, and in the television studios, leading to servile submissiveness. In this descent into social and political decay, Israel is the victim of deviant forces, in the media, international forums, the United Nations, and recently the International Court of Justice. Ganging up on the Jews is the mark of the times since October 7, in one of the great paradoxes in history whereby the aggressors cast themselves as the victims.

Howard Rotberg identifies himself as a pro-Israel Jew whose values come from the Bible. His critique of Western culture as a culture derives, not only from the absence of personal responsibility in the basic code of behavior, but also from the loss of religion and tradition as anchors of faith and continuity.

With Israel his focus of concern, the need to recognize evil and the enemy is paramount; and that refers to terrorists and their ferocious lust to kill Jews. The Oct 7 Hamas massacre and savagery of hundreds of Israelis, which could have been foreseen and prevented, but necessary defensive measures were not taken, is the manifestation of a Second Holocaust in the making.

Howard Rotberg is a second Holocaust-generation radical whose commitment to Torah and truth offers a prescription for understanding and action. Israel armed, no longer defenseless Jews as was the tragic reality in the Nazi Holocaust, is the primary barrier to a Second Holocaust. Important to consider that the same Leftist-Islamist alliance that uses both deception and violence against Israel is no less aiming to overturn and destroy the West as well. The foolish and ultimately self-destructive Western assault against Israel is parallel and prelude to the Leftist-Islamist assault against the West.

Courageous and clear-thinking, Howard Rotberg offers the reader a sobering reflection on life and politics, Israel and the world, in an age of moral mayhem. It is a welcome contribution to independent thought and common sense.

Dr. Mordechai Nisan is a retired lecturer in History at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and  the author of many books

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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