
SecDef Lloyd Austin Threatened Congress Over Money for Ukraine

So did the rest of the Biden crew.

In a Congressional classified briefing on Tuesday, SecDef Lloyd Austin warned Congress that if they didn’t pass more money for Ukraine, American soldiers would “likely” be deployed to Europe to fight Russia. His “threat” to send US troops was an attempt to put pressure on Congress, but it seems to have fallen flat with many Republicans. It wasn’t about fighting in Ukraine; it was about fighting for other nations should Putin decide to expand his invasion tactics (Ukraine is not yet a member of NATO, and neither are several other regional nations). Not everyone bought the SecDef’s arguments, however. They want the US border secured first. But the White House is on a full court press to push Ukraine aid.

The mindset of the administration is that Putin will expand his plans to include other nations in the region, and perhaps attempt to restore the old Soviet Union. Such a scenario is possible, but unknown at this time if Putin is that stupid.

However, some Republican lawmakers, including Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), have indicated that the Pentagon’s rhetoric did little to win them over. Republicans for months have said they want more transparency on Ukraine funding, while seeking to tie it to issues like increasing security at the U.S.–Mexico border.

“[President] Joe Biden needs to do his job, secure our border,” Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) told reporters Tuesday. “You do that, then members of Congress will talk.” The Epoch Times

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

It’s not about “turning our back on freedom’s cause.” It’s about securing our own border from the massive influx of illegals and asking for accountability for the money and military items we’ve already sent to Ukraine. The Biden administration and SecDef Lloyd Austin seem to care more about other nations than our own. Republicans aren’t buying it so far. We’ll see how long they hold out against the pressure.

Screenshot of military age men illegally cross the border in AZ via Bill Melugin on X.com

Ukraine has already acknowledged deep corruption in its government. Whether or not Ukraine has actually won so far against Russia is problematical. The war has become a money pit, regardless of the thoughts of lawmakers.  Accountability would be a good thing, but the fact remains that OUR border is not secure. The immigration system does not need to be overhauled; it needs to be enforced. SecDef Lloyd Austin knows better, and so does Biden.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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